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Showing 44 results

I can't understand how Memory works. What do I do?

Memory is a free self-learning tool that allows you to create a set of study decks of words/terminology you need to learn. Th...
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What is Memory and how does it benefit me?

Memory is a free self-service set of online studying tools designed for professional, student or casual usage. You can get star...
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How can I help Memory?

The best way to help Memory is to share it. If you find it useful, please share your experience with others, or by linking to y...
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Is there an iOS or Android app to download for Memory?

Memory is not yet available as an installable application from the app stores. Memory is currently available for mobile devices...
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How / why is Memory free?

Memory is developed in the spirit of free education and professional learning. Whilst it has significant running costs, there a...
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Memory vs Duolingo

Duolingo to be a fully serviced learning experience for foreign languages. The primary difference between the sites for languag...
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How do I earn credits and what are they for?

Credits are earned by completing sessions of questions. The higher your accuracy, the more you earn. They can be spent in the ...
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Supported Browsers and Mobiles: Chrome, Firefox, Android, Safari, Apple, iPhone Support Information

We aim to support all browsers, however, we recommend using Google Chrome to use Memory. - Google Chrome is supported - Micros...
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I work in a school / I am a teacher - do I need to consider anything before giving courses to my students?

Memory is free to use for all organisations. If you are a teacher of a school, you are free to create as much content as you wi...
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Does Memory offer official courses or premium content which are valid for real certification?

Currently, we do not provide official courses that are acceptable to any formal curriculum. Memory is a tool for you to practic...
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What are XP points?

XP points (eXperience Points) are awarded each time you successfully answer a question, an exam, or a question session. XP poin...
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Is there a Chrome / Firefox plugin for Memory?

There was, but due to lack of interest it was removed. However, we now offer a facility to receive 'push' notifications to you...
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What are levels and how do they benefit users?

Along with XP, levels are optional metrics to aid your motivation and monitor your progress. Gaining levels gives would previ...
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What is the purpose of the shop?

The shop exists for you to spend virtual credits on items such as hints or streak freezes. No actual money is charged for any i...
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My practice due count (questions due) is somehow higher than the questions I have learned

For "legacy" accounts (i.e. if you signed up to Memory in an early stage), the algorithm may have changed and your counts may be...
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How do I search for users or share my profile?

You can search for other users by name (not by email) by using the main site search at the very top. You can also share profile...
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Why is there a friends system? Why would I want to follow others?

The friends system exists for you to communicate with like minded learners if you so wish. It is opt-in only and other users ca...
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I submitted the contact form but haven't heard back yet

Memory is a free tool. We don't have a full time contact centre. Our developers read every support email and try to response a...
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In speaking mode, is my voice recorded or saved?

Voices are sent directly to Google's Speech API for speech recognition - sound files are not saved or stored. You have the ab...
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What is the purpose of folders and bookmarks? How do folders work?

Folders offer you the ability to group and add bookmarks to courses you use regularly. You can also share folders with other us...
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Something is wrong / there is a bug / I keep experiencing an error.

Memory is frequently updated and the first thing you should do is ensure you are on the latest version. You can get the latest ...
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I have found a bug, something is not working. How do I report it?

You can submit a bug report directly to use using the bug report function (either from the speed dial in the bottom right or fro...
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Can I edit my email address?

Go to EDIT PROFILE, and edit your email there. This will edit your login details with Google Firebase. If you forget your pass...
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How do I update my username?

This can be done in the edit profile section, where you can also update other fields such as your profile picture. Click on y...
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What are hints and what are they for?

Hints come at a cost of 1 credit. They 1) give you an automatic partial-reveal of the answer, and 2) (optionally) show the hint...
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There is a lot going on on-screen with many numbers and things I don't understand, I am confused.

We try to display as much information about your learning as possible. We understand that it may be superfluous to some users. ...
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What happened to 'under the hood'?

We had that for test purposes. We don't believe it's of importance now, and it slows down the page significantly due to the num...
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What is the purpose of awards and what do they mean in practice?

Awards such as high streaks, quick reactions et cetera are automatically given as you progress. They are a motivational tool to...
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My profile picture won't upload

All profile pictures go through image screening provided by Google and Memory uses aggressive settings to prevent abuse. From t...
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Why has an image been added to my course?

Public courses which do not have images may automatically be assigned images based on the content of the course. If you wish to...
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I have found a course with content that I find offensive. How do I report it?

Please report this using the feedback button. Courses with inappropriate content will be flagged and set as private to their cr...
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How do I send a message to another user?

To message other users you must 'follow' each other mutually. For privacy reasons, we do not allow you to message other users w...
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I disagree with some of the answers in the courses. What should I do?

Our courses are created by other users and therefore the answers are subject to the opinion of the course creator. It is also p...
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How does the report mistake function work?

If you are the owner of the course, using this function will automatically add the reported answer as a new alternative answer. ...
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I do not want to be seen on Memory. How do I make myself invisible?

Visit EDIT PROFILE. Adjust the setting which says Online status. If you disable this, your profile will not be found in search...
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How do I change the direction of my cards? (e.g. swap the question and answer, or answer in the other language)

In settings in the top right whilst in learn mode, there is a section called Swap Question & Answer. From here, you can selec...
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Memory vs Supermemo

Memory was originally based on the original SM-2 Supermemo algorithm. We find it to be a very different concept from what we en...
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Memory vs Brainscape

We understand Brainscape to be a very high-quality flashcard application. Brainscape is a paid application - we do not make any...
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I keep getting the same question in a row

Repeated questions occur approximately 1.5% of questions across all users. We have identified a few reasons for why you can get...
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How many questions should I try to learn per day for foreign language learning?

This question has multiple answers and is subject to opinion. Here is what we think: When you are initially keen, we find it i...
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Memorize vs Memorise Spelling - UK vs USA spelling

It has been pointed out on several occasions that we have inconsistent delivery of the verb "to memorise/memorize". Whilst ME...
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What are folders? How do I create a folder?

You can create folders as a place to store sets of courses. You can add your own folders or any other public folder to your fol...
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Speaking mode doesn't work well - it won't recognise my voice

We use Google's speech recognition API (Similar technology to Nest / Google Home) for speech recognition. We developed and test...
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My content, images or other copyright is being used on this site. How do I file a complaint or DMCA request?

As per our terms and conditions, we require users to only set their courses to public visibility if they either own the copyrigh...
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If there is a question and answer that you recommend we add, please let us know below: