Vocabulary taken from the Japanese: The Spoken Language textbook, book 3 (lessons 25-30) Words are mostly in hepburn romanization but with accent markers. Check links in main folder to textbook and other media for this course. Also included in this course are miscellaneous extra words with pictures most taken from a picture dictionary for Japanese children.
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習ったことがある narâtta koto ga âru | Have learned (before) |
通勤 ・ 通勤する tsuukin / tsuukin-suru | Going to work / commute to work |
通園 tsuuen | Going to nursery or kindergarten |
通学 ・ 通学する tsuugaku / tsuugaku-suru | Go/commute to school |
通院 ・ 通院する tsuuin (-suru) | Go/commute to an institution or hospital |
歩いても来られる ・ 歩いても来れる arûite mo ko(rá)rêru | Can come also/even having walked |
Iku koto ga aru | There are times when [I] go, sometimes go |
来ることがある kûru koto ga âru | There are occasions when [I] come; [I] sometimes come |
徒歩で行く (toho de iku) | Go by walking/on foot (no-adj, not a suru verb) |
就職する shuushoku-suru | Find or seek employment |
務める tsutómèru /-ru; tsutômeta/ | To work (for); to be employed (at); to serve (in) (X ni ~) |
働く hataraku /-u; hataraita/ | To work (i.e. work at X; X de ~) |
就職したいというの shuúshoku-shitài to iû no | The thing described as wanting to find employment |
話せる hanásèru /-ru; hanâseta/ | Can speak |
日本語が話せる nihóngo ga hanasèru | Can speak Japanese |
活かす ・ 生かす ikâsu /-u; ikâshita/ | Bring to life; make the most of, bring into use / bring to (back into) life |
英語と日本語を活かした仕事 eiḡo to nihonḡo wo ikâshita shiḡoto | Work that has brought English and Japanese into use |
読むことも出来る yômu koto mo dekîru | Can also read (reading is also possible) |
Iku koto ga dekiru | Able to go |
多少 tashou | More or less, somewhat |
読める yomêru /-ru; yômeta/ | Can read |
読み書き yômîkaki | Reading and writing |
習う narâu /-u; narâtta/ | Learn, study, take lessons |
習ったことがある narâtta koto ga âru | Have learned before |
使える tsukaeru /-ru; tsukaeta/ | Can use |
使えることは使え宇r tsukáeru kotò wa ‘tsukaeru | Can use, at least (i.e., you could say I can use (in some sense), but not as well as i could..) |
始める hajimeru /-ru; hajimeta/ | Begin [something] |
始まる hajimaru /-u; hajimatta/ | [something] begins |
始められる ・ 始めれる hajime(ra)reru /-ru; hajime(ra)reta/ | Can begin [something] |
今度 kôndo | This time; this next time |
セミナー sêminaa | Seminar (unlike zemi, this one is based on English) |
アメリカ経済について Amérika-kèizai ni tuite | Concerning the American economy |
三週間ほど先 sań-shùukan-hodo saki | About three weeks ahead (from now) |
ほしい ・ 欲しい hoshîi /-katta/ | Want; is wanted |
してほしい shité hoshìi | Want to have it done / want [you] to do it |
してほしいということだ shité hoshìi to iú kotò da | It's a fact described as wanting to have it done |
やっと ・ 漸と yatto | Finally, with some effort; barely, only just |
専門 senmon / gosenmon | Specialization / (your) specialty |
専門的 senmon-teki /na/ | Specialized |
何とか nân to ka | Somehow |
通訳 tsûuyaku | Interpreter; interpretation |
翻訳 honyaku | Translation |
付けることが出来る tsukêru koto ga dekiru | Can attach (lit. the act of attaching is possible) |
Tekitou /na/ | Suitable |
探せる saḡaseru /-ru; saḡaseta/ | Can look for; can track down |
人が探せる hito ḡa saḡaseru | Can track down a person |
Suisenjou | Letter of recommendation |
Haikei | Background or scenery / dear sir or madam (at beginning of a letter) |
保育園 hoikuen | Preschool/nursery school |
幼稚園 youchien | Kindergarten |
読み書きが必要なことはない yômîkaki ga hitsúyou na kotò wa nâi | There are no times when reading-writing is necessary |
失業派遣 shitsúgyou hòken | Unemployment insurance |
コネ ・ コネクション konê/ konékushòn | (social) connections and contacts (used to find jobs, etc.) |
Xに務めている X ni tsutomete (i)ru | Be employed by X, work for X |
頭の働く人 atama no hataraku hito | Bright/cleaver person (person who's head 'works') |
お金を活かして使う okane wo ikashite tsukau | Use money wisely (put it to good use) |
英訳 eiyaku | English translation |
誤訳 goyaku | A misstranslation |
行くことがある ikú kotò ga âru | Sometimes go; there are occasions when I go |
行くことが出来る ikú kotò ga dekiru | Able to go; (act) of going is possible |
行くことがない ikú kotò ga nâi | Neve go; there are no occasions when I go |
あまり暑くて頭が働かない amari atsukute atama ga hatarakanai | It being too hot, I can't think well (head doesn't work) |
働いている人の中には、会社に勤めずにフリーランスの仕事をしている人もいる hataraite iru hito no naka ni wa, kaisha ni tsutomezu ni furiiransu no shigoto wo shité iru hitò mo iru | Among those who work, there are also people who are doing freelance work without being employed at a company. |
初めに hajime ni | First off, first of all; in/at the beginning |
今晩の花火は何時に始まるでしょうか konban no hanabi wa nan-ji ni hajimaru deshou ka | I wonder what time the fireworks this evening will begin? |
時間ですから授業を始めます jikan desu kara jugyou wo hajimemasu | It is time, so I will begin class. |
しないでほしい shinâide hoshii | I want[ you] to not do it, for it to be done / I'd like for [you] not to do it |
試験 shikên | Exam; test |
試験問題 shikén-mòndai | Test problem, test question |
~所 tokórò | Place/point of doing or process of doing (after direct-style verb); was just doing (after past tense) |
作っている所だ tsukûtte(i)ru tokórò da | Is just now making |
Tsukutte(i)ru tokoro da | Is just now making [contracted form] |
飲んでいる所を見る nônde (i)ru tokórò wo miru | See someone drinking (as they are doing it) |
書いてもらえる kâite moraeru | Can have [it] written |
書いてもらえない? kâite moraenai? | Can['t] [I] have [it] written? |
夕方 yuugata | Evening |
お時間 ojikan | (your) time |
お時間をいただけませんか? ojîkan wo itádakemasèn ka? | Can('t) I have [some of] your time? (polite) |
是非紹介してほしい zêhi shoúkai-shìte hoshii | Wants to be introduced by all means |
だけど dâ kedo | However |
来ていただけますか? kite itadakemasu ka? | Will I be able to have you come? (humble-polite) |
恐縮だ kyoúshuku dà / kyoúshuku dèsu | Is grateful; appreciative; is obliged; apologetic |
出ようとする deyôu to suru | Be about to leave; try to leave |
出ようとしたところに deyôu to shita tokórò ni | At the very moment when [I] had been about to leave |
電話が入る deńwa ga hàiru | Phone call comes in |
終わる owaru /-u; owatta/ | Finishes, terminates (vi) |
終わったところだ owátta tokorò da | Is the very moment when [I] finished |
留学生 ryuúgàkùsei | Student studying abroad |
ぺらぺら perapera | Fluent; (sound of) rapid chatter, flipping pages |
Nihongo ga perapera | Japanese is fluent |
流暢 ryuuchou /na/ | Fluent (speech) [na-noun] |
日本語がペラペラの人 nihóngo ḡa perapera no hitò | Person whose Japanese is fluent |
っけ -kke | (as I recall) /sentence final particle/ |
何て言ったっけ nan te (i)tta kke | What was his/her name (I can't recall!) |
思い出す omóidàsu /-u; omóidàshita/ | To recall [something] |
住所 jûusho | Address |
学部 gakubu | Academic department; college (in a university) |
文学部 buńgàkùbu | Literature department |