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level: Extra Words (sa)

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level questions: Extra Words (sa)

災害 saigaidisaster; calamity
最後 sâigofinal, last, end, most recent / (after -tara or form followed by ga) no sooner than; once; right after (with neg. implication)
最初 saishofirst, outset, beginning
骰子 saikorodice
採集 (する) saishuu (-suru)collecting; gathering (for collection) / (-suru) hunt for ; (konchuu~)(shokubutsu~)
裁縫 (する) saihou (-suru)sewing; needlework; (to sew)
材料 záiryòumaterial; ingredients / subject matter / basis, data
竿 saôrod, pole / the neck (of a guitar, shamisen, etc.)
逆様 sakasamainverted, upside-down, reversed
逆立ち sakádàchihandstand; headstand / being upside down /(as verb) stand on end, bristle up
咲く saku /-u; saita/to bloom; to flower; to blossom; to open (vi)
柵 sakurailing, palling, fence
裂く sâku /-u; sâita/tear up; rip up / cut up or open (esp. the abdomen) /to forcibly separate (e.g. two lovers) (vt)
裂ける sakêru /-ru; sakêta/split open; to tear; to burst; to be separated; to be divided (vi)
作品 sakuhinwork (book, film, composition, etc.); an opus, production
作文 sakubuna composition, writing (essay, prose, etc.)
桜ん坊 (sakuranbou)cherry fruit (esp. sweet cherry, Prunus avium)
叫ぶ sakêbu /-u sakênda/to shout out, cry out, scream, yell (vi)
下げる sagêru /-ru; sâgeta/to hang (sth) down, suspend / to lower or reduce (a price) / to demote or move back (in position) / remove, clear plates from the table (vt)
提げる sagêru /-ru; sâgeta/to take along (by holding in the hand or over the shoulder) / hang (from waist or shoulder) (eg a purse or bag)
支える sasaeru /-ru; sasaeta/to support or prop up; sustain, hold at at bay (vt)
囁く sasáyàku /-u; sasáyàita/to whisper, to murmer; (in passive) to be rumored
刺す sâsu /-u;sâshita/pierce, stab, prick, thrust / sting; to bite (vt) to sew; to stitch; to embroider
射す ・ 差す sâsu /-u; sâshita/ (vi)(light) shines (vi)
差す sâsu /-u; sâshita/to raise, hold up (umbrella) (vt) apply (lipstick) (vt) feel, comes over one (feeling,one's mind) (vi)
指す sâsu /-u; sâshita/to point (with finger, etc.) / to nominate or select someone / point out or indicate / (chess) move a piece / (dance) extend one's arm straight out/ahead (vt)
挿す sâsu /-u; sâshita/to insert, put in, stick in (i.e. a pin in your shirt) / (in ikebana) arrange flowers, (samurai etc.) wear (a sword) at your belt/waist
注す sâsu /-u; sâshita/to pour (into a cup); add (liquid); serve (drinks) (vt)
摩る sasuru /-u; sasutta/to rub, pat, massage
座席 zasekiseat, seating (i.e. on a bus, train, car etc.)
殺虫剤 sátchuùzaiinsecticide, pesticide
錆び ・ 錆びる sabî ・ sabîru /-ru; sâbita/rust; (as verb) to rust (iv)
冷ます samâsu /-u; samâshita/to cool sth (from high temp to room temp) / let cool down / (ido.) dampen, throw a damper on , spoil (kyou wo ~ a good time) (vt)
冷める samêru /-ru; sâmeta/(sth) cools down, gets cold / (excitement, temper) cools off, fades / (expression) be cold (vi)
覚める samêru /-ru; sâmeta/awaken; wake up / become sober, sober up / regain consciousness (after being knocked out) / come to one's senses (vi)
左右 (する) sâyuu (suru)left and right / (as verb) [assert] control, influence / one's attendants, serving at one's side
笊 zarudraining basket (used to be of bamboo), colander or strainer
触る sawaru /-u; sawatta/to touch, to feel / get involved (with) (vt)
三角 sânkakutriangle
賛成 (する) sansei (-suru)approval, agreement (opposite of hantai) / (verb) to agree, support or be in favor of
三輪車 sánrinshàtricycle
消火器 shóukàkifire extinguisher
将棋倒し shóugidàoshifalling down one after another (like dominoes); (n) (2) (orig. meaning) toppling shogi pieces (lined up in a row);
消毒(する) shoudoku (-suru)disinfection; sterilization (as verb) to disinfect
作家 sakkâauthor, writer, novelist, artist
三角定規 sánkakujòugia protractor
座椅子 zaisufloor chair (no legs, just cushion on floor with back)
座卓 zatakulow table (not kotatsu)
座布団 zabutonsitting pillow/cushion
ザーザー ・ ざあざあ zaazaa(rain) heavily; (water rushing) plentily; with white noise (sound)
ざわざわ zawazawarustling (leaves) / noise from many people talking at once / (gitaigo) feeling a chill
ざくざく zakuzaku(sound) cutting into large pieces / (sound) walking on frost or crunching of gravel / (sound) lots of coins or jewels
お下げ osâgewearing one's hair in braids
桟橋 sanbashiwharf, jetty, pier
さっぱり sappari (to / shita)feeling refreshed; feeling relieved / neat; tidy / frank; open-hearted (na-noun) completely; entirely / [not] at all, [not] in the least (understand, etc.) (with neg. verb)
さぼる saboru /-u; sabotta/cut class, skip school / goof off (when should be working), slack off
サラダ油 sarada aburasalad oil (cooking oil)
削除 sakujo (suru)deletion, elimination, erasure (suru) to delete (computer delete file)
刺し傷 sashíkìzustab or puncture wound; bit (from insect); sting
差出人 sashidashininthe sender (name and or address on package, mail, etc.)
ざっと zattoroughly, round about, more or less / briefly, quickly, lightly (gitaigo)
さっそく sassokuat once, without delay, promptly (gitaigo)
産業 sangyouindustry
爽やか sawayaka /na/refreshing, invigorating / clear (voice), elequent (na-noun)
盛ん sakan /na/prosperous, flourishing, successful / popular, widespread / lively, energetic (na-noun)
散布機 / 散布 sanpuki / sanpu (suru)sprayer, dispenser dissemination; scattering; sprinkling (suru) to disseminate