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level: Space Flight

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Space Flight

launchlift off of a rocket
reporttalk about things that are happening, usually on TV, radio, or newspapers
missiona journey or job with a clear goal
describesay what it looks like
realisebegin to understand
mission controlthe NASA office which controls space flights
commanderThe leader of a rocket flight
colleaguespeople who work together
carry outdo
go smoothlyhave no problems
good shapedoing well
bored to tearsvery bored
on boardon a vehicle, like a rocket, plane, or boat
warning lightlight to show there is a problem
flashingturn on and off quickly
escapeget out of a bad situation
reactdo something as an answer to something else
experiencedsomeone who has spent many years doing a job
astronautsomeone who travels to space
solutionthe way to solve a problem
remainstay the same
eventsthings that happened
discusstalk about and share ideas
possibilitythe chance of something happening
figure outfind a way to understand
run outfinished
come up withget a new idea
gravitythe force that holds us to the earth
outer spaceeverything outside Earth
re-entercome back in
atmospherethe air surrounding Earth
parachutea large piece of cloth used to slow falling things
appearcome into sight
exhaustedvery tired
breathe a sigh of relieffeel happy that the problem is over
splash downa spacecraft landing in the ocean
rescuesave from danger
recoverget something back
orbitgo around in a circle