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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

types of tissuesepithelial, connective, muscles, nerves
simple squamous epitheliumskin, blood vessels, lungs, heart, mouth
stratified squamous epitheliumouter most layer of skin
simple columnar epitheliumstomach and intestine
simple cuboidal epitheliumkidney
compact boneknow osteocyte, lacuna, haversian canal
cartilageknow Lacuna, Chondrocyte, extracellular matrix
elastic connective tissue---
blood smearRBC v WBC
adiposeNuclei, fat droplets, cell membrane
tendonknow fibrocyte
cardiac muscleIntercalated disks, nuclei
skeletal muscleSarcomeres, nuclei
smooth musclenuclei
motor nerve endingAxon, nerve endings, synapse, muscle
columar wordsvilli and microvilli
compact bone wordsOsteocyte, haversian canal
cartilage wordsChondrocyte
tendon wordsfibrocyte
adipose wordsfat droplets
cardiac wordsIntercalated disks
skeletal wordsSarcomeres