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level: greek stems

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level questions: greek stems

"from""ab- (abs-, ā-)"
"to, close to""ad- (ac-, af-, ap-, as-)"
"before, in front of""ante-"
"with, together with""con- (co-, col-, com-, cor-)"
"from above down""dē- (dēs-)"
"from""ē-, ex- (ef-)"
"in, into, inside""in- (im-, ir-)"
"against, across, behind""ob- (oc-, op-)"
"through, across, high degree""per-"
"after, behind""post-"
"before, in front of""prae-"
"ahead, forward""prō-"
"under, lower degree""sub- (suc-, suf-, sup-, sus-)"
"over, beyond""super-, suprā-"
"1) through, 2) no, negation""dis- (di-, dif-)"
"no, negation""in- (im-, ir-)"
"again, revers""re-"
"again, through""ana-"
"from, away""apo-"
"from up down, through, behind""kata-"
"through, between""dia- (di-)"
"in, inside""en- (em-)"
"on, above""epi- (ep-)"
"over (higher function)""hyper-"
"under (lower degree)""hypo- (hyp-)"
"behind, after, change""meta- (met-)"
"near, close to""para- (par-)"
"with, together""syn- (sy-, sym-)"
"negation""a-, (an-)"
"difficulty, disorder""dys-"