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level: Level 1 of Exam 2

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level questions: Level 1 of Exam 2

IchthyostegaOne of the first discovered fossils of a four limbed vertebrate
zygapophysesallow for movement of the vertebrates in spine
Occipital condylesBony structure that connects the skull and vertebrate column
Autostylic jaw suspensionThe upper jaw is connected to the cranium
HyomandibularServes purpose in suspending the jaws and operculum in fishes
Hyoid apparatusBones that suspend the tongue and larynx
Stratum corneumOutermost layer of the epidermis
Stratum germinativumLayer of the epidermis closest to the dermis
Stratum spongeosumMiddle layer of the epidermis that contains blood vessels and sweat glands
Stratum compactumProvides strength to the middle layer of the epidermis
Setaestiff bristle that resemble hair on gecko toe pads
Nuptial padsextra grip on male frog thumb
SpadeSharp, bony structure on foot for digging burrows
Rasping lipsLips on tadpoles for scraping algae off of things
ChromatophoresColor changing cells
melanophorescolor change to black or brown
lipophorescolor change to red or yellow
guanophorescolor change to white
Mucous glandskeep amphibian skin moist
Hedonic glandsamphibian glands where excretion attracts mates
Serous glandsGlands that produce dark, toxin secretions
Parotid glandsalivary glands
nicotating membranetranslucent membrane that acts as an inner eyelid to protect eye and keep moist
Explosive breedersSeveral specimen reproducing in one area causing thousands of offspring
interference competitionwhen one organism physically restricts what another organism needs
Prolonged breederslong periods of calling activity and mating
tympanic membraneear drum, separates the inside from the outside of the ear
phragmosisan organism that defends its burrow by blocking the entrance with the body
acrodont dentiontooth is fused to the top of the jaw bone
pleurdont dentiontooth is fused to the side of the jaw bone
geniglossusmuscle flap that attaches tongue to jaw
intermandibular musclesmuscle in jaw that allows snake mouth to open wide
xeric adaptationsadaptions that allow for maximum water retention
hypothalamus glandsignals nerves to move or shut down when too cold
basking poikilothermyregulating body temperature by using outside heat sources
Quadrate bonebetween the lower jaw and the skull
lateral undulationmost common snake locomotion
rectilinear motionsnake locomotion in a straight line
concertina motionsnake locomotion in an accordion
sidewindingsnake locomotion that is sideways
hemipenissplit penis in snakes
vomeronasal organsensory neuron in top of the mouth used for scent
Jacobson's organaka the vomeronasal organ
Ovoviviparythe egg is hatched in the womb and live birth
Proteroglyphousfangs that can not fold into the jaw
Solenoglyphousfangs that can fold into the roof of the mouth
Neurotoxineffects the nervous system
cytotoxineffect the cellular system
Hemolytic venomvenom that causes swelling, hemorrhaging, and necrosis
Gilotoxinmildly toxin venom from gila monster delivered through grooved teeth
Temperature dependent sex linkagewarm nests hatch girls, cooler nests hatch boys
Olfactionsense of smell
Refugiaecosystems that can survive through harsh events
ecdysisReptile shedding skin all at once
carapacehard, exterior shell of turtle
glottisbreathing tube in bottom of a snakes mouth
sloughingshedding skin on reptiles and amphibians
autophagyeating loose skin
squamatasnakes and lizards
Fraction Zonebreaking point in the tail where it can be dropped
parietaleye on top of head that detects light