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level questions: Level 1

Biochemical process that breaks down glucose to create usable energy (ATP) required for life-sustaining functions.Cellular respiration
Cellular respiration using oxygen as an inputAerobic respiration
Cellular respiration in the absence of oxygen, producing lactic acid in animals, or ethanol and carbon dioxide in yeasts.Anaerobic respiration
Glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + waterCellular respiration word equation
C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2OCellular respiration chemical equation
The organelle where respiration occurs, with a double membrane to increase SA:V, and their own DNA, suggesting endosymbiosis.Mitochondria
The first stage of cellular respiration that breaks down the glucose molecule into two pyruvates, occurring in the cytosol of the cell. ADP and NAD+ used as inputs to result in ATP and NADH as outputs.Glycolysis
The second stage of cellular respiration, occurring in the mitochondrial matrix, that uses acetyl-CoA, ADP, NAD+ and FAD as inputs to result in the production of carbon dioxide, ATP, FADH2 and NADH.Krebs cycle
A complex consisting of pyruvate and coenzyme A, linking glycolysis with the Krebs cycle by transporting the pyruvates into the mitochondria.Acetyl-CoA
The final step of cellular respiration that occurs on the inner membrane of mitochondria (cristae) and yields the majority of ATP produced in the whole process. Inputs include NADH, ADP, FADH2 and oxygen (which is the final electron acceptor), and outputs include 26 or 28 ATP, NAD+, FAD and water.Electron transport chain
60% of energy lost as heat, while the remaining 40% results in the production of 30 or 32 ATP.Efficiency of cellular respiration
Produces pyruvates in final step of glycolysis (and 2 ATP).Pyruvate kinase
First enzyme in the Krebs cycle, allowing for acetyl-CoA recycling.Citrate synthase
Produces water in the electron transport chainCytochrome c oxidase
Provide short bursts of energy and sustain life in low oxygen environments.Purpose of anaerobic respiration
Anaerobic respiration is toxic to most organisms, faster, less efficient (only 2 ATP produced for 1 glucose) and results in lactic acid or carbon dioxide and ethanol. All organisms can respire anaerobically, usins glycolysis, but not all can respire aerobically.Differences between anaerobic and aerobic respiration
Organisms that can survive off of anaerobic respiration.Facultative anaerobes
Organisms killed by oxygen.Obligate anaerobes
Organisms requiring oxygen to survive.Obligate aerobes
C6H12O6 → 2C3H6O3 (glucose→ lactic acid)Lactic acid fermentation equations
C6H12O6 → 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 (glucose→ ethanol + carbon dioxide))Alcohol fermentation equations
High glucose availability, high oxygen concentration, optimal temperature and pH, low inhibitor concentration.Causes of increasing cellular respiration rate
Low glucose availability, low oxygen concentration, non-optimal temperature and pH, high inhibitor concentration.Causes of decreasing cellular respiration rate
Typically carbon neutral and renewable fuel sourced from organic material (biomass), as an aternative to fossil fuels.Biofuel
Biofuel from fermenting plant sugars.Bioethanol
Biofuel from fermenting lipids and fats.Biodiesel
1. Deconstruction - breaking down cell walls and cellulose of biomass to increase SA:V, 2. Digestion - enzymes break down starch to create glucose. 3. Ethanol fermentation - yeasts used to anaerobically ferment biomass and create lots of ethanol. 4. - Purification and dehydration - ethanol is distilled and water removed to become usable biofuel.Bioethanol production process
Low climate impact, energy security, localised energy, used for transportation and electricity generation.Strengths of biofuel use
Requires cropland, expensive, not compatible with all vehicles, 2nd order environmental impacts (e.g. deforestation, low genetic diversity).Weaknesses of biofuel use