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level: Pages 12

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Pages 12

jiāo teach
jiāo hand over
交流jiāoliú Communication
交通jiāotōng traffic
骄傲jiāo'ào Proud
jiǎo horn
jiǎo foot
饺子jiǎozi Dumplings
jiào call
教室jiàoshj Classroom
教授jiàoshòu professor
教育jiàoyù education
jiē meet, pick
接受jiēshòu accept
街道jiēdào Street
结果jiéguǒ Result
结婚jiéhūn get married
结束jiéshù End
节目jiémù program
节日jiérj festival
节约jiéyuē save
姐姐jiějie older sister
解决jiějué Solve
解释jiěshj explain
jiè borrow
介绍jièshào introduce
今天jjntiān Today
尽管jjnguǎn although
紧张jjnzhāng Nervous
jjn near
jjn enter
进行jjnxjng in process of
禁止jjnzhj prohibit
精彩jjngcǎi Marvellous
精神jjngshén spirit
经常jjngcháng Often
经过jjngguò through
经济jjngjj Economics
经理jjnglj manager