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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

What are the adrenal glands?A pair of organs located above the kidney which produce a variety of hormones and steroids including aldosterone and cortisol
What is the antrum?The lower section of the stomach
What is the aorta?The largest artery in the body
What is the areola?The circular pigmented area surrounding the nipple
what does aural means?Related to the ear or the sense of hearing
What is the bladder?A sac which holds urine before it is expelled
what do the blood vessels mean?Its a common name for veins, arteries, and capillaries
What is the bone marrow?Soft issue inside bones which produce blood cells
What is the bowel?The intestine
What are the breasts?Soft organs of the woman which produce milk
What is the cartilage?Flexible connective tissue found between joints
What is the cerebellum?The area of the brain responsible for controlling movement and balance
What is the cerebrum?The largest part of the brain, responsible for complex sensory and neural functions
What is the cervix?The narrow passage at the lower end of the uterus
What is the clitoris?Sensitive tissue on the female genitals
What is the coccyx?Tailbone
What is the cochlea?The external organ of hearing
What is the cornea?The transparent layer at the front of the eye
What is the corpus?The main part of the body
What is the cortex?The external layer of an organ