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level: Waves

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Waves

Wave speedFreq x wave length
Time period1 / Freq
Definition of a periodTime taken for one complete oscillation
Definition of frequencynumber of complete oscillations per second (passing a point (If its progressive))
2 Frequency equationswave speed / wave length 1 / time period
De Broglie's wavelengthwavelength = h / mv
What is phase differencePhase difference is the difference between two points on a wave. measured in degrees or radians
How can a wave be out of phaseWhen the trough of a wave meets the peak of another wave. if the exact peak and exact trough meet then the resulting amplitude will be zero and they'll be totally out of phase
What is polarizationThe production of waves oscillating in one direction from a source that produces random oscillating waves
What is a progressive waveA wave that travels continuously in a medium and doesn't change amplitude. E.g wave on a string experiment