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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

Lower your resting heart rate & the heart rate at a performance level.What can regular cardio do?
refers to the heart and blood vesselsCardiovascular
Strengthen the heart and promotes cardiovascular efficiencyWhat can cardiovascular exercise do for you?
It keeps veins and arteries elastic and obstruction freeWhat is regular exercise and a healthy diet important?
refers to all of the physical and chemical processes within the body that create and use energy. These processes include digestion, elimination, respiration, circulation, and temperature regulation.Metabolism
It's good for your lungs.Pro's of regular exercise
Strengthens the bones and jointsWeight-bearing exercises do?
capable of survivingFit
are pain- killing chemicals that occur naturally in your body.Endorphins
It measures how well you're heart get's oxygen rich blood to all your muscles while your exercising.What does aerobic fitness measure?
Their heart is pumping efficiently, which means their blood is loaded with oxygen and their muscles are able to use oxygen and make energy.aerobically fit person
refers to the ability to liftMuscle strength
weight training and weight- bearing exercisesMuscle strengthening exercises
ability to lift for an extended period of timeMuscle endurance
Running, cycling, swimming, and walking.Muscle endurance exercises that contour muscles as well
refers to the overall makeup of the body, including the percentage of fat , the ratio of fat to muscle, the level of hydration, and bone densityBody composition
is about making the whole person healthy. It is about getting your body moving as one entity and producing stability that comes from the trunk and the spinecore conditioning
diet filled with whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean protein foods, nuts, seeds, and vegetable oilsBalanced diet
the fuel your body burnsCalories
calories in equal calories out.basic rule of weight management
to induce the loss of fluid in your bodydiuretic effect