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level: special terms / terms

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level questions: special terms / terms

Anemiadecrease in red blood cells and/ or hemoglobin
Biopsyremoval of tissue for microscopic examination
brachycephalicp.t. to a short, wide head
dolichocephalicp.t. narrow, long head
mesocephalicp.t. an average width head
carcinomamalignant tumor arising from epithelial tissue
sarcomamalignant tumor arising from connective tissue
prodromesymptoms that run together before the onset of a more specific disease
syndromesymptoms that run together and point to a specific disease
signalmentdescription of a patient such as age, weight, breed, and sex.
leukemiaincrease in the number of cancerous white blood cells
diagnosisestimation of the cause of the disease
prognosisestimation of disease outcome
aggressiveeager to fight
alertenergetic, quick, and responsive
docilerelaxed, easy to handle
submissivewilling to submit
anxiousfeeling of uneasiness or apprehension
arthrectomysurgical excision of the joint
arthritisinflammation of the joints
arthrocentesissurgical puncture to remove fluid from the joint
arthrologystudy of the joints
arthropathydisease condition of the joints
arthroscopeinstrument for visual examination of the joints
arthroscopyvisual examination of the joints
arthrosisabnormal condition of the joints
arthrotomyincision of the joints
biologicalp.t. to the study of life
biologistspecialist for the study of life
biologystudy of life
carcinogenicproducing cancer
cardiacp.t. the heart
cardiologystudy of the heart
cardiopathydisease condition of the heart
intracardiacp.t. within the heart
retrocardiacp.t. behind the heart
cephalicp.t. the head
excisionprocess of cutting OUT
incisionprocess of cutting IN
colectomy; colonectomyexcision/removal of the large intestine
colitis; colonitisinflammation of the large intestine
colonicp.t. to the large intestine
colonopathydisease condition of the large intestine
colonoscopyvisual examination of the large intestine
3 main anemic causesno production, destruction, loss
cystalgiapain of urinary bladder
cystectomyremoval of a cyst; removal of the urinary bladder
cystitisinflammation of the urinary bladder
cystocentesissurgical puncture to remove fluid from the urinary bladder
cystogramrecord of the urinary bladder
cystotomyprocess of cutting into / incision of the urinary bladder
cystologystudy of the urinary bladder
cytologystudy of cells
cytologicalp.t. the study of cells
dermatitisinflammation of the skin
dermatologystudy of the skin
dermalp.t. the skin
hypodermicp.t. below the skin
intradermalp.t. within the skin
electrocardiogramrecord of electricity in the heart
electrocardiographyprocess of recording of electricity in the heart
electroencephalogramrecord of electricity in the brain
encephalicp.t. the brain
encephalitisinflammation of the brain
encephalogramrecord of the brain
encephalographyprocess of recording the brain
endoscopeinstrument for visual examination within
endoscopyvisual examination within (or in)
entericp.t. the small intestine
enteritisinflammation of the small intestine
enterologystudy of the small intestine
enteropathydisease condition of the small intestine
erythrocytered blood cell
erythrocytosisincrease in number of red blood cells; also known as polycythemia
gastricp.t. the stomach
gastrectomyremoval of the stomach
gastritisinflammation of the stomach
gastrotomyincision of the stomach; process of cutting to the stomach
gastroenteritisinflammation of the stomach and small intestine
epigastricp.t. above the stomach
hypogastricp.t below the stomach
glycemicp.t. a blood condition of sugar
hyperglycemiablood condition of excessive sugar
hypoglycemiablood condition of low sugar
hematologystudy of blood
hematomamass of blood; collection of blood
hepaticp.t. the liver
hepatitisinflammation of the liver
hepatomatumor on the liver
subhepaticp.t. under the liver
transhepaticp.t. through or across the liver
histologystudy of tissue
histologistspecialist in the study of tissue
histopathologista specialist in the study of diseased tissue
latrogenicproduced by treatment
leukcytewhite blood cell
leukocytosisincrease in white blood cell number
nephralgiapain in the kidneys
nephritisinflammation in the kidneys
nephrectomyremoval of a kidney
nephrosisabnormal condition of the kidney
nephrogramrecord of the kidneys
nephromatumor or mass on the kidney
nephrologystudy of the kidneys
neuralp.t. the nerves
neuralgiapain in the nerves
neurectomyremoval of a nerve
neuritisinflammation of the nerves
neurologystudy of the nerves
ophthalmicp.t. the eye
ophthalmologistspecialist in the study of the eye(s)
ophthalmologystudy of the eye
ophthalmoscopeinstrument for visual examination of the eye
optic; opticalp.t. the eye or vision
ostectomyremoval of bone
osteitisinflammation of the bone
osteoarthritisinflammation of joints and bone
osteogenicproduced by bone
osteologystudy of bone
osteotomyprocess of cutting into bone
pathogenicproducing disease
pathologystudy of disease
pathologistspecialist in the study of disease
radiographrecord of x-rays
radiographyprocess of recording x-rays
radiologystudy of X-rays
Renalp.t. the kidney
resectionprocess of cutting BACK
rhinitisinflammation of the nose
thrombcyteclotting cell; also known as platelet
thrombcytosisincrease in number of clotting cells
urologystudy of the urinary tract or urine