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level: Page 30+

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level questions: Page 30+

the certificate, the certificationdas Zeugnis, die Bescheinigung, die Urkunde, das Zertifikat
any (ex. ANY person who...emphasis on 'any')jegliche (nachdrücklich für 'jede')
to worry (about)Sorgen machen, sich sorgen
to care, to ensure, to providesorgen
to thank, to give thanks tosich bedanken, danken
to relaxchillen (Denglish), entspannen, ausruhen
to get on someone's nervesauf den Keks gehen
to piss someone offauf den Sack gehen
respectively, orbzw., beziehungsweise
to be the sh*t (slang)der Hammer sein
to dig, to clear (ex. trees to make a road or farm)roden
the incident (that is solved or minor)der Zwischenfall
the incident (not usually as bad as an accident)der Vorfall, die Begebenheit (geh)
the high achiever, the top talent, the peak power, the peak strengthdie Spitzenkraft
the lootingdie Plünderung
to enforce, to assert (authority), to push through (legislation)durchsetzen
to take drastic measures, to take vigorous actiondurchgreifen
the hookah lounge, the hookah bardie Shisha-Bar
the crisis teamder Krisenstab
the control center, the headquartersdie Leitstelle
to allow (something), to admit (the truth), to leave closed (ex. a window)zulassen
the driveway, the approach, the access (path to the beach)die Zufahrt
to be on sick leavekrankschrieben sein
the estate, the property, the premisesdas Anwesen
exposed (to liability)ausgesetzt
to suspend (a rule or law)aussetzen, aufheben
the playhouse (for kids or theater), the gambling housedas Spielhaus
starry (night)sternenklar
infamous, notoriousberüchtigt
the wakeup call, the alarm signalder Weckruf
the drug, the medicinedas Medikament
the joint plaintiff, the co-plaintiffder Nebenkläger
the bar (legal), the legal professiondie Anwaltschaft
the stun grenadedie Blendgranate
the general staffder Generalstab
the willingness, the readiness (to negotiate)die Bereitschaft
the investigation, the inquirydie Untersuchung, die Ermittlung
to list, to enumerate, to list outaufzählen
to dismantle, to dismount, to disassembledemontieren
the high school diplomadas Abitur
one and a halfanderthalb
the playgroundder Spielplatz, der Schulhof
to stop by (a pub), to stop in (for a bite to eat), to set in (normalcy)einkehren
in dealing withim Umgang mit
the blackmail paymentdas Erpressungsgeld
the license plate, the license plate numberdas Autokennzeichen
the test of patiencedie Geduldsprobe
to look up (something)nachschlagen, nachsehen, nachblättern, nachlesen
foreignausländisch, fremd, auswärtig
to start, to start up, to initiate, to accrue, to tarnish (metal)anlaufen
to get caught, to get stuck, to get bogged downsich verhaken, festfahren, sich verklemmen
to fly away, to vanish (fears), to evaporate (fig.)verfliegen
the car that runs on combustiondas Verbrennungsauto
STEP-wise, graduallyschrittweise
the computer terminal (including iPads, etc)das Endgerät
the advanced education, the continuing educationdie Fortbildung
and now the (weather forecast)und hier die (Vorhersage)
the comrade, the companion, the associateder Genosse, der Kamerad
to dig, to rummage, to rummage aroundgrabbeln
to stay awayfern halten, fernbleiben
the dean, the provost, the superintendentder Vorsteher
to enliven, to animate, to perk up, to invigoratebeleben
the indebtedness, the encumbrancedie Verschuldung
the delivery, the duty (tax), the taxdie Abgabe