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level: Lecture 21: Upper Limb 2

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Lecture 21: Upper Limb 2

What 3 joints make up the elbow joint? Which spot is which?Humeroradial joint, Humeroulnar joint, proximal radioulnar joint
Flexion in the humeroulnar joint is produced by the action of mainly two muscles, and tertiarily by one other. What are these 3 muscles?biceps brachii and brachialis, assisted by the brachioradialis
What three nerves enervate the biceps brachii (only the first 2 of 3) and the brachialis (all 3)?C5 - C7
True or false: The biceps brachii originates on the humerus.False. Its origins are both on the scapula.
What kind of joint is the radiohumeral joint?(Limited-)ball-and-socket, hinge joint.
What word has been blanked out of this image? It's the same word for every blank.Annular Ligament
Name us.Blue: Trochlear Notch Green: Radial Head Yellow: Capitulum Red: Trochlea
Which hand is SUPINE? A or BB
Which hand is PRONE?A
The radius and ulna meet at the elbow and the wrist, creating two different joints. What is their shared name? (One is superior/proximal, the other is inferior/distal)Radioulnar Joint
Which of the two radioulnar joints are in the wrist? The proximal/inferior or the superior/distal?Inferior/Distal.
If the hand is supine, which long bone bone is lateral to the thoracic cavity?The ulna
If the hand is prone, which long bone is lateral to the thoracic cavity?The Radius.
Which long bone of the lower arm is connects to the wrist on the same side as the pinky finger?The Ulna
Approximately, what is the degree (angle) the arm and wrist can pronate and supinate, total?180 degrees; pronation and supination both independently equal 90 degrees of rotation.
The proximal head of which bone in the lower arm possesses the axis for both supination and rotation?The radius.
Is the biceps brachii a more powerful supinator OR pronator, when flexed?Supinator. This is why body builders often flex with their fists pointing medially. WHY: The tendon of INSERTION of the biceps brachii is wrapped around the radius, when pronated. When the muscle contracts to flex in PRONE, at the elbow, the tendon unwraps like a rope coiled around a crank.
Name these jointsproximal interphalangeal joints distal interphalangeal joints Metacarpophalangeal joints
What is the thumb joint called?Carpometacarpal Joint
What is the joint, lined in blue, called?Midcarpal Joint
What is the joint, lined in green, called?Radiocarpal Joint