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level: Lymphatic system and immunity

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level questions: Lymphatic system and immunity

Immune SystemThe body's defense system against disease
LymphSpecialized fluid formed in the tissue spaces that returns excess fluid and protein molecules to the blood
Lymphatic vesselsVessels that carry lymph to its eventual return to the circulatory system
interstitial fluidFluid located in the microscopic spaces between the cells
Lymphatic capillariestiny blind ended tubes distributed in the tissue spaces
a lymphatic vessel located in each villus of the intesting, serves to absorb fat materials from the chyme passing through the small intestineLacteals
Lymph nodesbiological filtration of lymph on its way to the circulatory system
Afferent lymph vesselssmall lymphatic vessels that carry lymphatic fluid toward a lymph note
Efferent lymph vesselssmall lymphatic vessels that carry lymphatic fluid away from a lymph node
Nonspecific immunityprotective mechanisms that provide immediate, generic protection agains any bacteria, toxin or other injurious particle, also called innate immunity
Innate immunitysame as nonspecific immunity
Inflammatory responsenonspecific immune process produced in response to injury and resulting in redness, pain, heat and swelling and promoting movement of white blood cells to the affected area
Specific immunitythe protective mechanisms that provide specific protection against certain types of bacteria or toxins
Adaptive immunityanother name for specific immunity
Immunizationdeliberate artificial expose to disease to produce acquired immunity
Antibodiessubstance produced by the body that destroys or inactivates a specific substance that has entered the body
The immune system is not a system, instead it contains?Proteins and cells located in the blood and the tissues of other systems, including the lymphatic system
The lymphatic system is a group of ____ and ____Organs and tissues
Lymphatic system consists of 2 main components:1. Lymphatic vessels 2. Lymphatic tissue and lymphatic organs
Lymphatic vessels begin in the tissues with tiny ________ _______lymphatic capillaries
Lymphatic capillaries are?Lymphatic capillaries form weblike networks that surround blood capillary beds
Specialized lymphatic capillaries are called?Lacteals
How are lymphatic capillaries different than blood capillaries1.) lymphatic capillaries are blind-ended, meaning a one way system that ONLY moves Lymph away from the tissues. 2.) The cells of the lymphatic capillaries are not tightly joined, instead able to flap open and closed. 3.)Blood cap. is a 2 way system that moves blood toward and away from tissues. 4.) Blood cap. epithelial cells form the walls and are tightly joined
The permeability of lymphatic capillaries allows what to go inside?Pathogens such as bacteria, and cancer cells
What's an important role that lymph nodes do?lymph nodes limits the spread of pathogens through the body by acting as a filter and trapping pathogens, preventing them from traveling elsewhere
Reticular tissue contains ____ and ____?specialized cells and thin reticular fibers
Reticular tissue is also called?lymphoid tissue
What are the cell types of the lymphoid tissues and organs?1. Lymphoid organs houses Lymphocytes (B & T) 2. Phagocytes( macrophages & dendritic cells) 3. Reticular cells (reticular fibers composed of specialized thin collagen protein, are produced by reticular cells
Mucosa- associated lymphatic tissue (MALT) protects what?MALT protects mucous membranes such as the oral and nasal cavity- which are exposed by large #'s of pathogens
MALT def.Loosely organized clusters of lymphoid tissue
Much of MALT consists of?clusters of B & T cells
Def. Lymphoid folicles/ lympphoid nodules and what they consist of?Are specialized MALT and consists of spherical clusters. Consists primarily of B cells
Def germinal centerswhen lymphoid follicles are exposed to pathogens, they develop light staining regions. Where the B cells are actively dividing
In the gastrointestinal tract, we find these specialized clusters of MALT in 3 locations...1. Tonsils, 2. Peyer's patches 3. Appendix
Def lymph nodesclusters of lymphatic tissue located along lymphatic vessels throughout the body
Where do we find clusters of lymph nodes?1. Axillary lymph nodes (under pits) 2. cervical lymph nodes (neck) 3. inguinal lymph nodes (groin) 4. mesenteric lymph nodes (abdominal cavity and abdominal organs)
Reticular fibers are filled with?Macrophages, lymphocyes, and dendritic cells
the interior lymph node gets divided into 2 regions:1. Cortex 2. Medulla
CortexB cell rich lymphoid follicles, divided by inward extensions of the capsule called trabeculae.
Darker areas of the cortex where it meets the medulla, we find areas of ?T cells
In medulla are rows of ? and mature ? cells known as medullary cordsmacrophages and mature B cells
Mature B cells are known as?medullary cords
1st Step of lymph node filtering lymph1. Lymph flows into lymph node through many small lymphatic vessels called afferent lymphatic vessels
2nd step of lymph node filtering lymph2. Once in lymph node, enters hollow area called subcapsular sinus
3rd step of lymph node filtering lymph3. After it enters subcapsular sinus, it flows through cortical sinuses
What happens when lymph passes through the subcapsular sinus and cortical sinus?As lymph passes through these sinuses, pathogens and immune cells(dendritic cells) migrate into lymphoid nodule to initiate an immune response
4th step of lymph node filtering lymph4. Lymph contiues to flow thorugh cortical sinus and medullary sinuses, then drains out through efferent lymphatic vessels
What happens when pathogens enter a lymph node and B cells are activated?The germinal centers of the lymphoid follicles enlarge, causes whole lymph node to swell
Spleen protects us from pathogens in the ?Blood
Spleens internal structure consists of a network of ? made by ?reticular fibers made by reticualr cells
Within spleens reticular tissue framework, we find ? and ?White pulp and red pulp
Red pulp contains what?Red pulp contains macrophages that destroy old eythrocytes
White pulp contains what? and filters pathogens from the ?leukocytes and blood