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73 questions
Content switcher
Data base
Code snippet
Code snippet
Date picker
File uploader
Inline loading
Number input
Progress indicator
Code snippet
Overflow menu
Radio button
UI shell
Tree view
UI shell left panel
UI shell right panel
Accordion anatomy; 1header;  2 icon;  3 panel
Breadcrumb anatomy; 1 page link;  2 separator
Contained button anatomy; A Text label; B Container; C Icon (optional)
Outlined button anatomy; A Text label; B Container; C Icon (optional)
Icon button anatomy; B container optional; C icon
Which one is correct?
(O) Do left-align text in a button, even if the button is wide; (X) Do not center text in a button, even if the button is wide.
Which one is correct?
Do left-align text in a button, even if the button is wide.
Checkbox anatomy; 1 Group label optional; 2 Checkbox input; 3 Checkbox label
Code Snippet; 1 Snippet text; 2 Copy button optional; 3 Show more button optional
Content switcher; 1 Selected content tab; 2 Content tab; 3 Text label
Data base anatomy; 1 Title and description; 2 Toolbar; 3 Column header; 4 Table row; 5 Pagination table bar
Anatomy of date pickers; 1 Label; 2 Date field; 3 Date format; 4 Icon; 5 Calendar; 6 Month and year controls; 7 Weekday; 8 Previous and next month controls; 9 Day
1 Label; 3 AM/PM selector;
Dropdown anatomy 1 Label; 2 Helper text; 3 Field; 4 Option; 5 Menu
File uploader anatomy; 1 Heading; 2 Description; 3 Button or drop zone label; 4 Uploaded file; 5 x: The delete x icon will remove the uploaded file.
Form anatomy 1 Labels; 2 Input fields; 3 Helper text; 4 Placeholder text; 5 Validation; 6 Action
Inline loading 1 Loading status; 2 Label optional
Link anatomy; 1 Label
Modal anatomy; 1 Header; 2 Body; 3 Footer; 4 X; 5 overlay
Dropdown;  1 Label; 2 Helper text; 3 Field; 4 Option; 5 Menu;
Notification anatomy; 1 Icon; 2 Title; 3 Action actionable only; 4 Close button; 5 Message; 6 Timestamp optional for toast
Number input anatomy; 1 Label; 2 Numeric value; 3 Helper text; 4 Field; 5 Subtract icon; 6 Add icon; 7 Status icon; 8 Error or Warning text
Radio button anatomy; 1 Group label optional; 2 Radio button input; 3 Radio button label
Structured list anatomy; 1 column header; 2 Data now
Line tabs anatomy; A Label; B Indicator; D Container;
Contained tab with icons only B Indicator; C Icon; D Container;
Contained tabs with icon and secondary label anatomy; A Label; B Indicator; C Icon optional; D Container; E Secondary label optional;
Text input anatomy; 1 Label; 2 Value; 3 Helper text; 4 Field; 5 Input requirements optional; 6 Character counter text area only; 7 Resize handle text area only;
Tile anatomy; 1 Container; 2 Content area
Definition tooltip anatomy; 1 UI trigger; 2 Caret tip; 3 Container;
Icon button tooltip anatomy; 1 Icon button; 2 Caret tip; 3 Container;
Standard tooltip anatomy; 1 UI trigger button; 2 Caret tip; 3 Container;
UI shell header anatomy; 1 Hamburger menu; 2 Header name; 3 Header links; 4 Sub-menu; 5 Header utilities; 6 Switcher
UI Shell right panel; 1 switcher item; 2 switcher divider;
UI shell left panel; 1 sub-menu; 2 expanded sub-menu; 3 sub-menu items; 4 link
Toggletip anatomy; 1 UI trigger button; 2 Tip; 3 Content area; 4 Popover containers;
Treeview anatomy; 1 branch node; 2 leaf node; 3 caret icon; 4 node icon