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rs beliefs and teachings (buddhism and christianity)

In English

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Ted Ball

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what are the five skhandas/aggregates

form sensations perceptions mental activity or formations consciousness

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rs beliefs and teachings (buddhism and christianity) - Details



149 questions
What are the five skhandas/aggregates
Form sensations perceptions mental activity or formations consciousness
What is metta
Meditation focused on the development of unconditional love for all beings.
2 reasons why the buddha rejected his life of wealth
He saw the 4 sights and wanted to find a way to end suffering
Name 3 dependent arising links
Desire or cravings, the 6 senses, ignorance
What is Annica
Impermanence everything is always changing
2 effects that the sights had on the buddha
He abandoned his old life to seek enlightenment and starved himself to go through suffering
What are the 3 marks of existence
Dukkha, anatta and Annica.
The 6 perfections
Generosity, morality, patience, energy, meditation, wisdom.
What are the 4 noble truths
Dukkha Samudaya Nirodha Magga
What is dukkha
Unsatisfactoriness or suffering
What is Nirodha
The truth of the end of suffering
The truth of the path to the end of suffering
What are the 5 moral precepts
Abstain from killing living beings abstain from stealing abstain from sexual misconduct abstain from lying abstain from intoxication.
The truth of the origin of suffering
2 beliefs about nirvana
To achieve you must end suffering and it is the end to the samsara cycle
How do you get to be a bodhisattva
Follow the 6 perfections
Examples of puja
Serving others, meditation, bowing, making offerings, reciting mantras
Purpose of puja
To reflect to free oneself from ignorance and cravings gives techniques to help calm
What offerings are at a shrine lotus flower
Buddha statue, candle, flowers, bell, incense
What is the quote for meditation from the buddha
'meditation brings wisdom lack of meditation leaves ignorance'
What is a quote for meditation using breathing
'breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness which unites your body to your thoughts'
What is kasina
Meditation involving object visualization
What is zazen
Zazen is seated mediation where you sit mindfully and focus on breathing and allowing your thoughts
How do Theravada treat the dead
They cremate the body but before the cremation a segregation is held by a monk Mourners display an image of the person who has died Various forms of merit making takes place before and after the body
What happens on wesak
Celebration of the buddhas birth and life
What where the 4 sites
Sickness old man a corpse ascetic
What is the eightfold path
Right view right intension right speech right action right livelihood right effort right concentration right mindfulness
What is the jakaka tales
Book which contains storys of the buddha
What is dhamma
What Buddhist base their life's upon the buddha found it but didn't create it
What are pure land death traditions
Once someone has died Buddhists leave flowers, candles and incense next to their body. These things are burnt with the body to represent impermanence. The body is prepared for cremation by being washed and dressed by mourners.
What are the 3 refuges
Sangha, buddha, dhamma
What is sangha
Community of buddhists
What is dhamma
The teachings of the buddha
What does the dhamma literally mean
To uphold (meaning that it is the centre of buddhist beliefs as it holds up the religion)
What is vihara
A type of buddhist temple
What is parinirvana day
Festival that remembers the death of the buddha
What did the buddha teach about understanding all 4 noble truths instead of one
The Buddha taught that a realisation of all four is important to alleviate suffering.
What does metta mean
Loving kindness
What is the taha
End of craving
What happened after the buddha reached enlightenment
He stayed on earth teaching other buddhists how to achieve enlightenment meaning that he was in the nirvana school
What is samantha
Meditation in mindfulness of breathing
What is vipassana
Meditation which includes zazen meditation
What happens in tibetan death rituals
They have a sky burial and the head monk puts a scarf on the corpse inviting the dead to follow the right path into the next life
What happens at a sky burial
Coupse is left on top of a hill for vultures to eat
What happens in Japanese death rituals
Cremation, they morn for 49 days after the cremation
What are mantras
Phrases of words and syllables recited over and over
What does the parable of the prodigals son teach us
God waits for humans to realise what they have done wrong and ask for forgiveness and welcomes them back when they do
What does the parable of the prodigals son teach us
God waits for humans to realise what they have done wrong and ask for forgiveness and welcomes them back when they do. but if they fail to do so they wont receive forgiveness
What was the first 2 days of creation
1st day light and 2nd day the sky
What is moral evil
Evil that people choose to do with free will
What was created on day 3
Dry land, seas, plants and trees were created
What was created on day 6
Animals that live on the land and finally humans, made in the image of God were created
What is omnipresent
All present the idea of god being everywhere all the time
What happened on day 7
A day of rest after god had finished all of his work
What does the parable of the sheep and the goats teach
To take action to help those in need as you will be rewarded with heaven
What is sacrament
Rituals that teach, strengthen and express faith
Quote for heaven bible
We have a building from god an eternal house in heaven
Quote for hell and where from
They will go away to eternal punishment mathew 25:46
What is a quote for purgatory
For we all must appear before the judgement of Christ
What is a quote for when Jesus was crucified and where is it form
My god why have you forsaken me mark (bible)
Quote about jesus saving the world and where it is from
For god sent Jesus to save the world through him mark
Quote for incarnation
'incarnate from the holy spirit and the virgin Mary and was made a man'
What is the difference between genesis 1 and 2 in the creation story
Man was created before animals in genesis 2 god never rested in genesis 2 geneses 2 is Adam and eve genesis 1 is the 6 days of creation in genesis 2 god had no rest
What is ascension
The event 40 days after the reresection when jesus returned to god
What is atonement (at-one-ment)
Reconciliation between god and humanity that was sealed at the death of jesus
What is eucharist
Ceremony in which the last supper is remembered through the consumption of bread and wine
How is eucharist celebrated
Consumption of bread and wine
When did jesus ascend to heaven
40 days after his resurrection
What is liturgical worship
Worship in a church that follows set structure
What is non liturgical worship
Informal worship (grace)
What is the meaning behind the parable of the lost sheep
Heaven is accessible to all, even those who were sinners or strayed from God's path
How does the parable of the polegical son relate to the original sin
Everyone is born with the original sin but if you go to God and seek reconciliation you will be forgiven just like the son in the parable who had sinned but was welcomed back with open arms
What does the book of john teach about creation
The spirit of god created created the universe from nothing
Quote for the word of the spirit
'the spirit of god was hovering over the waters'
Quote for a rich man getting into heaven
It is easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of god
How does Jesuses resurrection effect christians
Gives hope and shows how god is omnipotent
What happens on the day of judgement
Everyone will be resurrected and judged
When did jesus resurrect
3 days after his crusifiction
What is a teaching about resurection
Resurrection is of the soul and not physical as 'flesh and blood cant inherit the kingdom of god'