Vocabulary and phrases taken from the Japanese: The Spoken Language textbook, book 1 with audio samples Words are mostly in hepburn romanization but with JSL accent markers.
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分かります (wakárimasù) | Understand; [something] is understood / be, becomes clear |
か ka | /Sentence-final question particle/ |
ええ、はい èe ; hài | Yes; that's right (2 ways) |
今日 kyôu | Today |
こんにち (koňnichi) | Today (formal) |
します (shimâsu) | Do (something); play (a game) |
ね ne? | /Confirming particle/ right? don’t you think? |
いや、いいえ iya ; iie | No; that's wrong |
違います (chigáimàsu) | Be different, be wrong |
明日 ashítà | Tomorrow |
あす・明日 asû | Tomorrow (alternate form) |
明後日 asâtte | Day after tomorrow |
一昨日 otótòi | Day before yesterday |
昨日 kînou | Yesterday |
よ yo | /Emphatic or informative particle/ I assure you, I tell you! |
分かりました wakárimàshita | Understood; became understandable |
作ります (tsukúrimàsu) | To make (something); construct (something) |
作りました (tsukúrimàshita) | Made (something) |
出来ます (dekímàsu) | Become completed; can do; be possible |
出来ました (dekímàshita) | Became completed; could do; was possible |
来ます (kimâsu) | Come (will come) |
来ません (kimásèň) | Not come / won't come |
来ませんね (kimásèň ne?) | You’re not coming--right? |
しません (shimásèň) | Not do (something); not play |
ちょっと・一寸 chôtto chôtto... | A bit; I'm afraid not ; /a polite refusal/ |
飲みます (nomímàsu) | Drink (sth) |
飲みません (nomímasèň) | Not drink (something); won't drink |
食べます (tabémàsu) | Eat (sth) |
食べません (tabémasèň) | Not eat (sth); won't eat |
頂きます (itádakimàsu) | (I) drink (it); (I) eat (it); (I) accept (it) /humble/ |
行きます (ikímàsu ) | [I] go / will go / will be going |
行きました (ikímàshita) | [I] went |
行きませんでした (ikímasèn deshita) | [I] didn't go |
分かりませんでした (wakárimasèn deshita) | [i] didn't understand |
どうもすみません dòu mo sumímasèň | I'm very sorry |
Onégai-shimàsu | I make a request of you (polite) (please give [it] to me) |
Têepu | A tape (English loanword) |
Anó tèepu | That tape over there |
Urímàsu /-màshita/ | [I] sell/will sell [it] |
Konó jìsho | This dictionary |
Tsukáimasu /-màshita/ | [I] use/will use [it] |
Sonó koňpyùutaa | That computer |
Pasokon | PC (personal computer) |
Kêeki | Cake |
Pûrin | Pudding |
Aísukurìimu (aìsu) | Ice cream (Japanese may also use the shortened ‘ice’) |
Kóohìi | Coffee |
Ocha | (Japanese-green) tea |
Taípuràitaa | Typewriter |
(íi)-mêeru |
Dono taipuraitaa | Which typewriter? |
Nîjuu nanâ-eň | 27 yen |
Nîjuu naná-sènto | ¢27 (cents) |
Juu | 10 |
Juuichi | 11 |
Juuku | 19 |
Nijuu | 20 |
Sanjuu | 30 |
Sanjuugo | 35 |
Gojuugo | 55 |
-ban | Number /classifier/ |
Ichiban | Number one ; best |
Niban | Number two |
Nanban | What number |
Nandoru | How many dollars? |
Issento | 1000 cents |
Yondoru | 4 dollars |
Hachijuugodoru | 85 dollar |
Kekkou (desu) | It's fine; I'm fine (without it) /refusal/ |
Shii-dii | CD |
Kaímàsu /-màshita/ | [I] buy/will buy [it] |
Końpyùutaa | Computer |
Otótòi | The day before yesterday |
Pái | Pai |
Waapuro | (short for) word processor [waadopurosessaa] |
Naň-baň | What number? |
Nîjuu naná-dòru | $27 (dollars) |
Juushi | 14 |
Rokujuu | 60 |
Goban | Number five |
Nansento | How many cents? |
Sumaho | Smart phone |
いい、いいです (îi [desu]) | Is good; is fine; is all right |
良い[です] yoi [desu] | Is good (old form) |
高いです takâi [desu] | Is expensive; is high |
安いです yasûi [desu] | Is cheap |
Warûi [desu] | Is bad; be at fault/blame |
大きいです oókìi (desu) | Is large; is big |
小さいです chiísài (desu) | Is small |
新しいです atárashìi (desu) | Is new |
古いです furûi (desu) | Is old |
とても・とっても totemo / tottemo | Very, extremely |
面白いです omóshiròi (desu) | Is interesting; is fun(ny); is amusing |
面白かったです omóshiròkatta (desu) | Was interesting; was funny; was amusing |