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Attention & performance

In English

Created by:
Amber Carter

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What is the multi store model of memory?

sensory STM LTM

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22 questions
What is sensory memory?
Visual info not perceived until pay attention to it
Letter study for sensory memory?
Sperling 12 letters in a grid- pps remember 4 letters 4 letter in a row- pps remember 3/4
What is attention?
Selectively processing things alerting- being alerted to something executive processing- figuring out what object is orienting- figuring out how far away it is etc.
What is the Stroop effect?
Automatically process words regardless of attention interferes with naming of colour word is printed in pay attention to word instead of colour
What is the bottle neck theory?
Division of limited memory resources addresses that we filter out info and when
What is the capacity theory?
Division of limited mental resources how much of attention we give to different tasks e.g. cocktail party- can listen to one convo and ignore everyone else
What is the dichotic & shadowing task?
2 different messages at once, one in each ear only meant to pay attention to one asked to repeat one of the messages asked about ear they weren't meant to listen to noticed pitch, duration- NO MEANING
What is the early filter theory?
Attention is all or nothing filter out info based on physical characteristics- pitch, tone, where sound is coming from SENSORY> FILTER> STM filtering prevents overload of resources info kept from filter goes to processing
Problems with early filter theory?
Switch attention at will or involuntarily according to theory irrelevant noises filtered out but we can switch attention name being called- you switch attention- shouldn't happen
What is the late filter theory?
Everything processed up to STM filtered after STM processed for physical characteristics & meaning irrelevant stuff disappears
Problems with late filter theory?
Simpler theories to explain this evolutionary not viable why would you process everything you don't need to have limited capacity
What is the leaky filter theory?
Info your not paying attention to isn't completely blocked out just turned down after sensory store is when you attenuate (direct levels of attention) if info personal- you still process it
What is the load theory?
Early selection depends on perception of info and cog. load needed to process info low perception load (empty room)= process a lot, late filter high perception load= (busy street) process little, early filter
What is a theory of attention?
Gorilla video easy & hard condition easy- count no. of passes made hard- count no. of bounces made pps don't notice gorilla more ppl notice gorilla in easy condition than hard
What is a visual task?
Finding items amongst distractions pop out effect- one discerning feature obviously different from others- find item easily no process needed conjoint search- task more difficult cause item and distractors have same features
What is the feature integration theory?
Pick out features of object- colour, size slower process of finding object is have similar features to distractors
What is the attentional engagement theory?
Search time depends on similarity of item & distractor similarity of distractors themselves
What is the capacity of divided attention?
How well can we split our attention to different tasks dual tasks studies 2 tasks alone then tasks done separately compare results if pps told one task more important, performance on 2nd task is poor if pps told to respond however, both tasks evenly scored
Attention across different modalities
Can't focus on 2 visual/ auditory tasks at once if one visual & one auditory can focus- but quality reduction
What is the multiple research model of attention?
Several pools of info processing resources use at same time, overlap e.g. driving & talking- visual & auditory input
How to improve performance on dual tasks?
Ppl can improve performance of dual tasks if they work on it