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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

the field of study that evaluates the behavior of individuals, firms and markets relevant to the use of pharmaceutical products, services and programs and which frequently focuses on the costs and consequences of that use.Pharmacoeconomics
Involves all the resources that are used to produce and deliver a particular drug therapyCost
Types of Cost1 Direct cost 2 Indirect Cost 3 Intangible Cost 4 Opportunity Cost 5 Incremental Cost
the costs of medications, medical procedures, hospitalization, physician visits, and other healthcare services directly related to the treatment or management of a disease or condition.Direct Cost
productivity losses due to missed work, transportation costs for accessing healthcare services, caregiver costs, and other related expenses that are not directly tied to the medical treatment itself.Indirect Cost
non-monetary costs, are the costs associated with the pain, suffering, and reduction in quality of life experienced by patients and their families as a result of a disease or condition. difficult to quantify in monetary termsIntangible Cost
refers to the value of the next best alternative that is forgone when a decision is made. arises when resources such as time, money, or personnel are allocated to one healthcare intervention or treatment option over another.Opportunity Cost
refers to the additional cost incurred by choosing one intervention or treatment option over another. compared to incremental benefits to determine the cost-effectiveness of different treatment strategies.Incremental Cost
Perspectives of Pharmacoeconomics1 Patient perspective (all the relevant cost and consequences) 2 Provider perspective (expenses of providing products or services) 3 Payer perspective (Social security/Government , third party payers) 4 Societal Perspective (broadest of all perspectives)
Outcome Parameters LIST1 Clinical 2 Economic 3 Humanistic
as a result of disease or treatment such as morbidity (incidence of disease or complications), mortality (death rates), symptom relief, disease progression, and other clinical indicators relevant to the specific disease or condition being treated.Clinical (OUTCOME PARAMETERS)
Incudes direct, indirect and intangible costs assess the financial implications and cost-effectiveness of healthcare interventions.Economic (OUTCOME PARAMETERS)
- patient preferences/utilities capture patients' perceptions of their health status, physical functioning, emotional well-being, social functioning, and overall quality of life.Humanistic (OUTCOME PARAMETERS)