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level: Level 1 of Chapter 6 - Extended writing

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of Chapter 6 - Extended writing

In a review what are some examples of language you would use?1. Introduces the elements under discussion 2. Ask questions 3. Weighs up the good and the bad, or tracks the change in fortunes 4. Sums up writers feeling or expectations 5. Take reader into its confidence
In a review what are some examples of language you would use?1. Introduces the elements under discussion 2. Ask questions 3. Weighs up the good and the bad, or tracks the change in fortunes 4. Sums up writers feeling or expectations 5. Take reader into its confidence
Structuring a discursive response should include1. Initial expostion or introduction to the argument or core ideas 2. Reference to both sides of any argument 3. Development from less important to more important ideas 4. Use of examples 5. Use of connectives for 6. Use of standard english
In general what are the 3 key points to remember in a extended writing response?1. Consider wide range of ideas as possible 2. Ideas match what you know about audience purpose 3. Use what you know of text conventions to guide what you need to include
What are the 10 key skills and techniques for making your descriptive writing effective?1. Detailed adjectives and nouns to describe geographical or physical features 2. Reference to senses 3. Verbs, adverbs and prepositions that convey movement 4. Personification of inanimate objects 5. Imagery 6. Description of setting 7. Contrast and juxtaposition 8. Compound and complex sentences that develop initial ideas 9. Verbal patterning and repetition creating effects that imitate descibed or reflect experience of narrator 10 Using pen as camera lence
What are the 5 steps to planning a piece of extended descriptive writing1. Read question 2. Identify key words and phrases from task 3. Generate and develop ideas 4. Organise and sequence your ideas
What are 3 examples of structural features?1. Tense 2. Narrative voice 3. Sentence and paragraphs
What are 5 elements to consider when doing narrative writing?1. Plot and structure of story 2. Characterisation 3. Setting and location 4. Use of dialogue and other forms of speech 5. Use of literary and linguistic devices
What are 4 examples to use when structuring your narrative?1. Straight forward chronological account recounts the story in time order 2. Dual or multiple narration switches 3. Framed narration switches between more than one narrator 4. Flashback and flashforward
What are 4 examples of character dialogue?1. What is said 2. Style of speech 3. How it is said 4. Use of description between spoken words
Opening paragraphs in discursive or argument text should include?1. Brief definition or explanation of the topic you are writing about 2. Exploratory tone characterised by raising questions or balancing different ideas 3. Summary of current ideas 4. Suggestion of the debate and questions you will address in your text
Structuring a discursive response should include1. Initial exposition or introduction to the argument or core ideas 2. Reference to both sides of any argument 3. Development from less important to more important ideas 4. Use of examples 5. Use of connectives for 6. Use of standard english
When approaching writing to review questions. You should look for: (3)1. What are you being asked to review 2. Where will the review appear 3. Who is the audience
How to structure your reviews (3)1. Introduction 2. Summary 3. Evaluation
What 3 key features of language are found in reviews1. Present tense 2. Loaded language 3. Humorous, intense or exaggerated language
In a review what are some examples of language you would use?1. Introduces the elements under discussion 2. Ask questions 3. Weighs up the good and the bad, or tracks the change in fortunes 4. Sums up writers feeling or expectations 5. Take reader into its confidence