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level: Nature of Business

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level questions: Nature of Business

term used when values can be calculated in units of money; records can be kept in units; a function of moneyUnit of Account
term used for when money can be stored and still retain its value; a function of moneyStore of value
the value of a debt can be calculated in money now and can be paid back in terms of this value; a function of moneyStandard for deferred payments
a financial instrument of payment which gives the holder access to goods and services on creditCredit Card
involves the movement of funds from one account to another electronicallyElectronic Money Transfer (EMT)
the means through which a payment is made e.g-notes,coins,cheques,etc.Instrument of Exchange
a person making out a bill of exchange, such as a cheque ordering the payment of fundsDrawer
usually the bank responsible for following the drwer's instruction to transfer the funds to the payeeDrawee
a person entitled to payment by the drawee as a result of instructions made by the drawerPayee
enables the transfer of money from one account to another using telephone communicationsTele-banking
the process of buying and selling, usually through a websiteE-commerce
Consists of small, medium and large-scaled businesses that is set up principally to earn a profitPrivate Sector
Consists of enterprises owned and ran by the governmentPublic Sector
Movement from the Public Sector to the Private SectorPrivatisation
Movement from the Private Sector to the Public SectorNationalisation
A form of business that comprises of one person running a business(although he or she may still employ a large amount of people)Sole Trader
A form of business that is jointly operated between two or more individualsPartnership
A type of partnership in which each partner is involved in the management of the businessOrdinary or "Unlimited" Partnership
A type of partnership in which partners are not involved in the management or the day-to-day running of the businessSleeping or "Limited" partnership
A form of business organization formed by groups with similar objectives and/or interestsCo-operatives
A form of business; A group of companions (shareholders) who have come together to set up a business, which is considered a separate legal entityCompany
The type of company where it is privately owned by founders,managers,owners,etc.Private Companies
the type of company where have in part or in whole been "sold" to the public,who become investors in the businessPublic Company
A type of business organization that has been authorized to deal in another business organization's products and/or services in return for an agreed feeFranchise
Pays the franchise to trade in a given areaFranchisee
an established business with a well-known name and products or services who grants the licence to the franchiseeFranchisor
Producing enough foods and services to live, but without making a significant surplus to build for the futureA type of economic system; Traditional (Subsistence)
An economy in which the government creates the plans for the production of goods, jobs and how goods are allocated between citizens of the countryCommand or planned(socialist)
An economy in which the which the decisions about how to produce, and what to produce are made by private businesses and consumersFree Market or Capitalist
An economy that combines elements of command (state) planning with the free marketMixed (public and private)
An individual or group that has direct interest in the decision that a business makesStakeholders
A stakeholder that wishes for the business to make profit and flourish; also oversees, provide start-up capital and provides the vision for the businessOwner
A stakeholder that will want to work for the business and will want the business to provide steady employmentEmployees
Stakeholders who desire a steady supply of their favourite products at affordable prices and good quality; their role is to purchase goods or servicesConsumers
Stakeholders who wants to deal with businesses that make large and regular orders to them and pay promptly; thier role is to provide businesses with materialSuppliers
Stakeholders that consists of the people that a business comes into contact with in the localities in which it operates; their role is to provide a workforceCommunity
Stakeholders that has a key in ensuring that business decisions impact fairly on all stakeholders; its role is to treat business fairly and ensure that the business continues to supply the goods and services neededGovernment
Individuals withing an organization who have a special interest in its activities and how well it performsInternal Stakeholder
Individuals who are not employed by,or members of, an organisation but who have a vested interest in its activities and its financial performanceExternal Stakeholders
Concealing the origins of illegally obtained money so that it appears to have come from a legitimate sourceMoney Laundering
A set of values which describe how a company and its people are expected to behave in a moral wayCode of ethics
an organization that provides goods or services, or both, with the aim of making a profitBusiness
That key individual who undertakes a risk by investing money, time, and energy in the building of a business with the aim of making a profitEntrepreneur
tangible items that a business organization or industry produces for customers or consumers and are usually exchanged for money or serviceGoods
intangible tasks or activities that are undertaken by businesses to satisfy the needs of customers or consumers on a wholeServices
individuals who purchase goods that are produced or use the services provided by the companyConsumers
individuals or organizations that produce goods for customers or consumers as a wholeProducers
an article or item offered for exchange in the marketplaceCommodity
the situation in which goods and services are bought and sold commercially on the local or international marketTrade
the direct exchange of goods or service for other goods or serviceBarter
any commodity that can be used as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, a store of value, and a standard for deferred payment (anything that possesses the stated functions)Money
1) indivisibility 2) storage 3)unavailability of some required items that nobody produced 4)having no standard exchange rateDisadvantages of Bartering
1) people can access goods that they do not produce themselves 2) people can specialize in producing one or a small number of goods 3) surplus production can be traded 4) There is no need for moneyAdvantages for Bartering
term used when money is generally accepted as a form of paymentMedium of Exchange
the items are valued because of it's relatively scarce supplyCharacteristic of money; scarcity
when an item is accepted as payment then it is moneyCharacteristic of money; Acceptability
the item is easy to carry aroundCharacteristic of money; Portability
the item is hard-wearing and long lastingCharacteristic of money; Durability
the item consists of units so large it can be broken down into smaller unitsCharacteristic of money; Divisibility
two people who each wants what the other has to offerDouble coincidence of wants
A written order by one party in an exchange (the drawer) to another (the drawee) to pay a given sum of money on the date set out the order, in payment of goods recievedBill of Exchange