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level: Level 21

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 21

to exhaust, to run out尽くす
make-up, sliced raw fish作り
make up, structure, physique造り
to make, to create, to manufacture造る
to mend, to repair, to fix繕う
to join, to piece together接ぐ
to succeed継ぐ
to add one thing to another付け加える
to inform告げる
coherence, consistency辻褄
on the way, en route途中
to support, to become stiff, to become taut突っ張る
pipe, tube
to thrust, to strike, to nudge突く
to be careful, to abstain or refrain慎む
verbal message, rumor, word伝言
to be fit for, to be equal to勤まる
place of work勤め先
make an effort, work hard努めて
tsunami, tidal wave津波
to pinch抓る
to invite, to solicit help, participation募る
saliva, sputum
to mutter, to murmur呟く
to close the eyes瞑る
tsubo jar, pot, vase
bud, flower bud
to stumble, to trip躓く
to pinch, to hold, to pick up摘む
insignificant, boring, trifling詰らない
in short, in brief, in other words詰まり
intention, plan積もり
to get strong, to gain strength強まる
to strengthen, to emphasize強める
to extend, to stretch out, to stand in a row連なる
to go through貫く
to link, to join, to put together連ねる
fishing, angling釣り
hanging bell釣鐘
to hang吊るす
allowance, compensation, treatment手当て
appearance, air, condition
offer, tender, program sponsoring提供
cooperation, tie-up, joint business提携
style, form, appearance体裁
ladder, stairs梯子
set meal, special of the day定食
presentation, exhibit, suggest, citation提示
correction, revision訂正
stagnation, tie-up, congestion停滞
mansion, residence邸宅
retirement age定年
bank, weir堤防
too late, belated treatment手遅れ
number of moves, trouble手数
contact, trail, scent手掛かり
to handle, to manage, to work with手掛ける
easy, simple, informal手軽
-like, typical
adaptation, accommodation, conformity適応
performance, skill, tact手際
process, procedure, protocol手順
handcuffs, manacles手錠
near, handy, familiar手近
iron and steel鉄鋼
to sink in, to devote oneself, to believe in徹する
iron scraps鉄片
arrangement, search by police手配
arrangement, plan, program手筈
guidance, guide, introduction手引き
model, pattern手本
preparations, arrangements手回し
on hand, at hand, at home手元
to reflect, to throw back light照り返す
division of labor手分け
store, shop, establishment
ignition, lighting, set fire to点火
revolution, rotation転回
convert, divert転換
moving, changing residence転居
transfer, transmission転勤
inspection, examination, checking点検
change schools転校
paradise, heaven天国
genius, prodigy, natural gift天才
natural calamity, disaster天災
exhibition, display展示
ceiling, ceiling price天井
to turn, to shift, to alter転じる
dotted line, perforated line点線
heavenly body天体
rolling about, moving from place to place転転
change of post転任
view, outlook, prospect展望