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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

verb to cause (a train, streetcar, etc.) to run off the rails of a track. to cause to fail or become deflected from a purpose; reduce or delay the chances for success or development ofDerail
noun 1. a subtle difference or distinction in expression, meaning, response, etc.Nuance
verb 1. to find out or learn with certaintyascertain
adjective 1. not pertaining to or connected with religion 2. going on from age to age; continuing through long ages.secular
verb 1. to prevent from happening or taking place 2. to seize upon to the exclusion of others : take for oneself 3. to take the place of because of priorities, reconsideration, rescheduling, etc.; supplantpreempt
adjective 1. Having the freedom to act independently having autonomy; not subject to control from outside; independentautonomous
verb 1. to infuse slowly or gradually into the mind or feelings.instill
adjective 1. unpleasant in taste or smell 2. unappealing or disagreeable, as a pursuit 3. socially or morally objectionable or offensiveUnsavory
Transitive verb 1. to wish for earnestly 2. to desire wrongfully, inordinately, or without due regard for the rights of othersCovet
Noun a very great or indefinitely great number of persons or things. adjective of an indefinitely great number; innumerable having innumerable phases, aspects, variations, etc.Myriad
Transitive verb 1. to free from allegation or blame 2. to get revenge for; avenge. 3. to uphold or justify by argument or evidenceVindicate
noun 1. the state of being annoyed, irritated, or distressed; annoyance 2. a cause of annoyance; nuisanceVexation
adverb 1. in a secret or unauthorized way; stealthilySurreptitiously
adjective 1. absolutely necessary or requiredImperative
noun 1. an examination of a dead body to determine the cause of death. adjective 2. of, relating to, or occurring in the time following death. 3. of or relating to examination of the body after death. 4. occurring after the end of something; after the event adverb after deathPostmortem
adjective, adverb 1. first in place, order, rank, etc. 2. first in a series or progressionForemost
verb 1. to establish by proof or competent evidenceSubstantiate
verb 1. to extract the essence ofDistill
adjective 1. thoroughly proficientAdept
transitive verb 1. to rid of mystery or obscurity; clarify:Demystify
adverb 1. in a way based on theoretical deduction rather than empirical observation.a priori
adjective having mixed feelings about someone or something; being unable to choose between two (usually opposing) courses of action.Ambivalent
verb 1. To originate in or be caused by.Stem
adjective 1. a mean, evil, or unprincipled personscoundrel
openly acknowledged or declaredavowed
adjective 1. lacking in natural or spontaneous quality 2. affected or produced by effort; not natural or spontaneous; forced.strained
noun 1. the state of being alone or kept apart from othersseclusion
verb 1. the making of false statements that damage another's reputationslander
noun the state or quality of being serious and dignified. Often solemnities. a solemn observance, ceremonial proceeding, or special formality:solemnity
adjective 1. not having any serious purpose or value. 2. lacking in seriousness or maturityfrivolous
verb 1. to demand or request the presence or service ofsummon
verb 1. ask for information from someone. 2. to make investigation (usually followed by into):inquire
noun 1. a warning or cautionCaveat
noun 1. a limitation or restriction.Constraint
for fear that —often used after an expression denoting fear or apprehensionlest
adjective 1. having a liking or affection for (usually followed by of) 2. loving; affectionate 3. excessively tender or overindulgent; doting 4. cherished with strong or unreasoning feelingfond
verb to reject or renounce under oath to deny vehemently or under oath. to swear falsely; commit perjury.forswear
adjective having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthysupercilious
unwilling and hesitantreluctant
adjective of the greatest or highest degree or quantityutmost
verb 1. to succeed in doing or achieving something difficultcarry off
noun an excessively favorable opinion of one's own ability, importance, wit, etc.conceit
adjective having or showing an unkindly or unpleasant disposition.ill-natured
to consider or have the opinion that something is as statedreckon
noun 1. anticipation of adversity or misfortune; suspicion or fear of future trouble or evil. 2. the act of arresting; seizure 3. the faculty or act of apprehending or understanding; perception on a direct and immediate level. 4. acceptance of or receptivity to information without passing judgment on its validity, often without complete comprehension.apprehension
without interruption; constantly.incessantly
verb 1. to analyze (something, as a speech or behavior) to discover its implications or uncover a deeper meaningparse
noun deep sadness especially for the loss of someone or something lovedgrief
verb to interest oneself in what is not one's concernmeddle
noun deep and painful regret for wrongdoingremorse
verb 1. use (something) to maximum advantage. noun 1. strategic advantageleverage
a stupid or careless mistake.blunder
showing or suffering from nervousness, fear, or a lack of confidence.timorous
verb to humiliate or shame, as by injury to one's pride or self-respect. to subjugate (the body, passions, etc.) by abstinence, ascetic discipline, or self-inflicted suffering.mortify
verb throw or cast awaytoss away
verb to criticize (someone) severely or angrily especially for personal failings noun a cause of shamereproach
adjective having, using, or showing good sense or sound judgmentsensible
noun an angry argument or disagreement, typically between people who are usually on good terms.quarrel
noun A general rule intended to regulate behavior or thought.precept
verb to attach as an attribute, condition, or consequence.annex
adjective being more than is sufficient or required; excessive. unnecessary or needless.superfluous
adjective showing great care and perseverance.assiduous
noun a rescue from financial distress verb To leave or abandon something.bail out
phrasal verb to make an empty space in (something)hollow out
phrasal verb 1. to add more details or information to somethingflesh out
noun a long angry speech or scoldingtirade
noun fully committed to achieving a goalresolute
noun insincere or excessive praiseflattery
verb To regard with great respect; revere.venerate
noun a grammatical mistake in speech or writing.solecism
noun deception by pretending to entertain one set of intentions while acting under the influence of anotherduplicity
verb to assign to a later timeput off
adjective hard to pleasefussy
noun something of little importancetrifle
verb to cause delay, interruption, or difficulty inhinder
noun an effect that results from a problem spreadingspillover
adjective feeling or showing love and affectionsmitten
adjective liable to sudden unpredictable changefickle
verb to prevent the participation, consideration, or inclusion ofrule out
verb to become spread throughout all parts ofpervade
verb to grow less in scope or intensity especially graduallytaper off
noun the action of spending funds.expenditure
adjective widely knownprominent
noun an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or actioncatalyst
to represent as similar: compareliken
noun an agent, usually a drug or food, that arouses or is held to arouse sexual desireaphrodisiac
noun 1. capable of being done, effected, or accomplished 2. probable; likelyfeasible
phrasal verb to deal in a satisfactory or successful way with a problem or situationsort out
noun an afflictionwoe
noun. Pathology the loss of a previously held ability to speak or understand spoken or written language, due to disease or injury of the brain.aphasia
noun 1. a period or state of little or no growth or decline verb 2. to stop increasing or progressingplateau
verb to take the place or position of; supplant.supersede
noun a commonsense rule (or set of rules) intended to increase the probability of solving some problemheuristic
noun infringement or violation of a law, command, or dutytransgression
to admit that you have done something wrongown up
adjective of an argument or statement, not seeming reasonable or probable; failing to convince.implausible
noun strong muscular or physical effort.strain
verb to approve openlyendorse
verb to make more acute or effective; improvehone
verb to use one's authority to reject or cancel a decision, view, etc.override