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level: Chapters 6-14

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level questions: Chapters 6-14

coronary arteriessupply blood and oxygen to the myocardium
diastolethe relaxation phase of the heart
pulmonary circulationflow of blood from the heart, to the lung and back to the heart
systemic circulationflow of blood from the body cells to the heart and back out to the body cells
atherosclerosishardening of arteries due to plaque buildup
atrial septal defect (ASD)small hole(s) in the interatrial septum
auscultationlistening with a stethoscope to sounds in the body
hypertensionincreased blood pressure
Hypotensiondecreased blood pressure
hypoxiadecreased oxygen to tissues
infarctionarea of dead tissue
ischemialack of blood flow to tissues
murmuran extra heart sound
patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)condition in which the small duct between the aorta and pulmonary artery, which normally closes after birth, remains open
shockinadequate tissue perfusion
sphygmomanometerinstrument that measures arterial blood pressure
CRTCapillary refill time
EKG; ECGelectrocardiogram
PVCpremature ventricular contraction
VPCventricular premature contraction
atelectasisincomplete dilation of a lung
agonalrespirations near death
aspirationsinhalation of a foreign substance into the respiration tract
percussiontapping a surface to determine the density of the underlying structures
palliativerelieving symptoms but not curing
purulentcontaining pus
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)formation of clots throughout microcirculation which leads to hemorrhage due to consumption of clotting factors
PCVpacked cell volume
interstitial fluidfluid in the spaces between cells
autoimmune diseasedisease in which the body makes antibodies against its own good cells and tissues
febrilehaving a fever
TSHthyroid-stimulating hormone, released by the pituitary and stimulates the thyroid to produce thyroid hormones
homeostasisstate of equilibrium of the body's internal environment
diabetes insipidus (DI)metabolic disorder causing a lack of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion
diabetes mellitus (DM)disorder characterized by lack of insulin secretion or resistance to insulin
DIdiabetes insipidus
DMdiabetes mellitus
DKAdiabetic ketoacidosis
PU/PDpolyuria / polydipsia (excessive urination/excessive drinking)
integumentary systemskin, hair, nails, and glands, collectively
alopeciaabsence of hair in areas where it normally grows
dura matertough outermost layer of meninges
arachnoid membranemiddle layer of meninges
pia materinnermost, delicate layer of the meninges which adheres to the brain and spinal cord
meningesthree protective layers surrounding the brain and spinal cord
motor nerves; also called efferent nervesnerves that carry impulses away from the brain and spinal cord
ataxialack of coordination
contraindicationany condition that renders a particular treatment undesirable
conesphotoreceptor cells of the retina responsible for color and central vision
miosisabnormal contraction of the pupils
mydriasisabnormal dilation of the pupils
nystagmusrhythmic, rapid, back-in-forth movement of the eyes
aural hematomablood in the ear flap
ADright ear
ASleft ear
AUboth ears
ODright eye
OSleft eye
OUboth eyes
PLRpupillary light reflux
FUOfever of unknown origin
nephronthe functional unit of the kidney
azotemiaincrease in non-protein nitrogenous wastes in the blood