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level: Special Terms

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level questions: Special Terms

AxonFiber that carries a nervous impulse along a nerve cell away from the cell body
Cell BodyPart of the nerve cell containing the nucleus
DendritesBranching structures that receive the nervous impulse
SynapseSpace between neurons in which the nervous impulse passes
AcetylcholineNeurotransmitter that causes muscles to contract and aids in "dream" sleep
EndorphinsNeurotransmitters responsible for reducing pain and for pleasure; natural morphine
EpinephrineHormone that acts as a neurotransmitter to increase heart rate and blood pressure
Dura MaterTough, outermost layer of the meninges
Arachnoid MembraneMiddle layer of the meninges
Pia MaterInnermost, delicate layer of the meninges
Epidural SpaceSpace above the dura mater
Subdural SpaceSpace below the dura meter
Subarachnoid SpaceSpace below the arachnoid membrane
Autonomic Nervous SystemNerves that control involuntary functions of muscles, glands, and viscera
Blood-Brain BarrierCapillaries that allow certain substances to enter the brain while keeping other substances out
BrainstemConnects the brain to the spinal cord
Cauda EquinaNerve roots leaving the caudal end of the spinal cord
Cell BodyPortion of the nerve cell that contains the nucleus
Central Nervous SystemThe brain and spinal cord
Cerebral CortexOuter section of the cerebrum
CerebrumLargest part of the brain responsible for voluntary muscle movements, speech, vision, hearing, thought, memory, and taste
CerebellumSecond largest part of the brain, responsible for balance and coordination
ConsciousAwake, alert, aware, responsive
Cerebrospinal FluidFluid circulating throughout the brain and spinal cord
DendritesFirst part of the nerve cell to receive the stimulus
Dura MaterTough, outermost layer of the meninges
GaitManner of walking
GanglionCollection of nerve cells bodies in the peripheral nervous system
HippocampusPortion of the brain responsible for orientation and emotional responses
HypothalamusPortion of the interbrain that controls the pituitary gland, body temp, emotions, sleep, thirst, and hunger
Medulla OblongataStem-like structure of the brain stem connecting the brain to the spinal cord
MeningesThree protective layers surrounding the brain and spinal cord
Motor NervesNerves that carry impulses away from the brain and spinal cord
Myelin SheathProtective, fatty tissue around the axon of a nerve cell
NerveMacroscopic cord-like structure made up of nerve cells
NeuronA nerve cell
NeurotransmitterChemical messenger released from a neuron to stimulate or inhibit another nerve or target cell
Parasympathetic Nervous SystemPortion of the automatic nervous system responsible for normal body functions
Peripheral Nervous SystemA portion of the nervous system consisting of cranial nerves, spinal nerves, and the autonomic nervous system
Sympathetic Nervous SystemPortion of the autonomic nervous system responsible for the "fight or flight" response in extreme stress
CataplexyIdiopathic condition causing sudden loss of skeletal muscle function due to extreme excitement, or vigorous exercise
Cerebellar HypoplasiaDegeneration or loss of cells in the cerebellum causing ataxia
Cerebrovascular AccidentDisruption in the normal blood supply in the brain; stroke
AneurysmLocalized widening of a blood vessel
AtaxiaLack of coordination
BehavioristSpecialist in behavior
ConcussionViolent shaking of the brain
ContusionA bruise; Injury to tissue w/o breaking the skin
ContraindicationAny condition that renders a particular treatment undesirable
EpilepsyIdiopathic brain disorder characterized by recurrent seizures
HydrocephalusAbnormal accumulation of CSF in the ventricles of the brain
LethargyCondition of drowsiness and indifference
Myasthenia GravisNeuromuscular disorder characterized by weakness of the skeletal muscles
NacrolepsyCondition causing sudden, uncontrollable sleep episodes
PalliativeRelieving symptoms, but not curing
ParalysisLoss of motor function
SedationTo diminish irritability or excitement; to administer a sedative
SeizureSudden, involuntary contraction of voluntary muscles
SpasticityIncreased muscle tone
StuporPartial unconsciousness and decreased response to stimuli
SyncopeFainting or temporary loss of consciousness
TremorRepetitive twitching of skeletal muscle
Vestibular DiseaseIdiopathic neurological disorder characterized by head tilt, circling, and rapid back-and-forth movement of the eyes