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level: Term Definitions

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level questions: Term Definitions

Analgesiareducing pain
Anesthesiano pain sensation
Hyperesthesiaincrease nervous sensation
Paresthesiaabnormal nervous sensation
Macrocephalycondition of large head
Microcephalycondition of small head
Cerebellarp.t. cerebellum
Cerebralp.t. cerebrum
Comatosep.t. a coma
Intracranialp.t. within the skull
Polioencephalomalaciasoftening gray matter in the brain
Polioencephalomyelitisinflammation of gray matter in the brain and spinal cord
Electroencephalogramrecord of electricity in the brain
Encephalitisinflammation of the brain
Encephalocelehernia in the brain
Encephalopathydisease condition in the brain
Encephalomyelitisinflammation of the brain and spinal cord
Hematomamass of blood
Euphoriagood feeling
Akineticno movement
Bradykinesiaslow movement
Hyperkinesisexcessive movement
Meningealp.t. meninges
Meningiomatumor in the meninges
Meningitisinflammation of the meninges
Meningomyelocelehernia in the meninges of the spinal cord
Myelogramrecord of spinal cord
Myelomatumor on the spinal cord
Poliomyelitisinflammation of gray matter in the spinal cord
Myoneuralp.t. muscle and nerves
Myoparesisslight muscle paralysis
Neuralgianerve pain
Neurastheniaweakening of the nerves
Neurectomyremoval of a nerve
Neuritisinflammation of nerves
Neuropathydisease condition of the nerves
Neuroplastysurgical fixation of a nerve
Neurorraphysuture of a nerve
Neurostomyincision of the nerve
Polyneuritisinflammation of many nerves
Hemiparesisslight paralysis of one side
Monoparesisslight paralysis of one limb
Paraparesisslight paralysis of hind limbs
Quadriparesisslight paralysis of four limbs
Hemiplegiaparalysis of one side
Monoplegiaparalysis of one limb
Paraplegiaparalysis of hind limbs
Quadriplegiaparalysis of four limbs
Radiculopathydisease condition of nerve root
Radiculitisinflammation of the nerve root
Syncopalp.t. fainting
Thalamicp.t. the thalamus
Vagalp.t. the vagus nerve