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level: Term Definitions

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level questions: Term Definitions

HypoalbuminemiaBlood condition of decreased albumin
HyperbilirubinemiaBlood condition of excessive bilirubin
CoagulopathyDisease condition of clotting
CytologyStudy of cells
PancytopeniaDeficiency in all cells
ErythroblastImmature red blood cell
ErythrocytosisIncrease in the number of red blood cells
ErythrocytopeniaDeficiency of red blood cells
ErythropoiesisFormation of red blood cells
GranulocytopeniaDeficiency of granulecytes
HemotologyStudy of blood
HematopoiesisFormation of blood
HemolyticP.t. the destruction of red blood cells
HemolysisBreakdown of red blood cells
HemostasisStopping of blood
HemoglobinopathyDisease condition of hemoglobin
LeukocytopeniaDeficiency of white blood cells
LeaukocytosisIncrease in the number of white blood cells
LymphoblastImmature lymphocyte
MononuclearP.t. a singular nucleus
MonoblastImmature monocyte
MorphologyStudy of shapes
PolymorphonuclearP.t. many shapes of nuclei
MyeloblastImmature white blood cells
MyelogenousProducing in bone marrow
MyeloidResembling bone marrow
MyelopoiesisFormation of white blood cells
MyelodysplasiaBad development of white blood cells
PhagocyteEating cell
HyperproteinemiaBlood condition of excessive protein
HypoproteinemiaBlood condition of deficient protein
ThrombocytosisIncrease in number of clotting cells
ThrombosisAbnormal condition of clotting
ThrombocytopeniaDeficiency of clotting cells