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level: Special Terms

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level questions: Special Terms

AlveoliAir sacs in the lungs
BifurcationSplitting into 2 branches
BronchusBifurcation of the trachea; passageway into the air spaces of the lungs
BronchiolesSmallest branches of the bronchi; lead to the alveoli
CapillarySmallest blood vessel
CiliaThin hairs attached to the mucous membrane epithelium lining the respiratory tract
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)Gas released by tissue cells and transported to the heart and lungs for exhalation
DiaphragmThin, muscular partition separating the thoracic and abdominal cavities
EpiglottisLeaf-like pieces of cartilage over the trachea to prevent aspiration of food
ExpirationBreathing out; exhalation
External RespirationGas exchange occurring in the lungs
GlottisOpening to the larynx
InspirationBreathing in; inhalation
Internal RespirationGas exchange occurring at the tissue level
LarynxVoice box
MediastinumSpace between the lungs
Mucous MembranesSpecialized form of epithelial tissue that secretes mucus
MucusSlimy substance produced by mucous membranes
OlfactoryCondition of smelling
Oxygen (O2)Gas that enters the blood through the lungs and travels to the heart to be pumped to the rest of the body
PleuraMembrane surrounding each lung
Pleural CavitySpace between the pleural membranes and surrounding each lung
RespirationExchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and the atmosphere
AgonalRespirations near death
AntitussivesSubstances used to control and prevent coughing
AsphyxiaBlockage of breathing leading to hypoxia; suffocation
AspirationInhalation of a foreign substance into the respiratory tract
AsthmaChronic inflammatory disorder marked by dyspnea and wheezing
AtelectasisIncomplete dilation of a lung
AuscultationListening with a stethoscope to sounds within the body
EmphysemaLung disease caused by enlargement of the alveoli
HyperpneaIncreased depth of breathing
HyperventilationAbnormal, rapid, deep breathing
HypopneaSlow or shallow breathing
InstubationPlacement of a tube
MetastasisTo spread beyond control
MucolyticsSubstances used to break down or dissolves mucus
PalliativeRelieving symptoms, but not curing
ParoxysmalSudden occurrence such as a spasm or seizure
PercussionTapping a surface to determine the density of the underlying structure
PhlegmThick mucus excreted in large quantities
Pleural EffusionEscape of fluid into the pleural cavity
PneumoniaAcute inflammation and infection of the alveoli
PurulentContaining pus
Rales and CracklesCrackling noises heard on inspiration due to fluid in the alveoli
Rhonchiwheezing; high pitched whistling sounds heard during inspiration
SputumMucous secretion from the lungs, bronchi and trachea
StridorStrained shrill heard during inspiration due to an airway obstruction