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level: term definitions/special terms

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level questions: term definitions/special terms

Bulbourethral Glandspair of glands below the prostate that secrete fluid into the urethra
Ejaculationejection of sperm and fluid from the male urethra
Epididymisone of a pair of tightly coiled tubes lying on top of each testicle.
Flagellumhair-like projection on a sperm cell that makes it motile
Gametessex cell; sperm in males and ova in females
Genitaliareproductive organs such as the ovaries, uterus, and vagina in females; the testes, penis and vas deferens in males
Glans Penissensitive tip of the penis
Gonadssex organs that produce gametes
Intactmale that has not been neutered
Os Penisbone found in the penis of some carnivores
Perineumin males, the area between the anus and scrotum
Prepucecutaneous sheath covering the penis
Prostate Glandgland in males that surrounds the urethra
ScrotumExternal sac that contains the testes
SemenSpermatozoa and fluid
Seminiferous Tubulesnarrow, coiled wide tubules that produce sperm in the testes.
Spermatozoonsperm cell
Testesmale gonads that produce spermatozoa and testosterone
Testosteronehormone produced by testes and responsible for the male sex characteristics
Urethratube that carries urine and semen to the outside of the body
vas deferensnarrow tube that carries sperm from the epididymis toward the urethra
Cryptorchismcondition in which one or both testicles is undescended
Neuterremoval of male gonads
Persistent Frenulumincomplete separation of the penis and prepuce
Scrotal HydroceleSwelling of the scrotum due to a collection of fluid in the testes or along the spermatic cord
Amnioninnermost membrane around the developing embryo; amniotic sac
Amniotic Fluidfluid contained within the amnion
Cervixlower neck-like portion of the uterus
Chorionoutermost membrane surrounding the embryo
Coitussexual intercourse
Colostrumfirst milk-like substance produced by the female after birth; high in protein and antibodies
Embryoearly stage of development from fertilization to when major structures begin to develop
Endometriuminner lining of uterus
Estrogenhormone produced by the ovaries and responsible for the female secondary sex characteristics
Estrustime of sexual receptivity; heat
Fertilizationunion of sperm and ovum; conception
Fetuslater stages of development after major structures have developed
Fimbriaefinger-like projections at the ends of the uterine tubes
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)hormone produced by the pituitary to stimulate the maturation of ovum
Gestationlength of pregnancy
Involution of the uterusthe uterus returns to its normal non-pregnant size
Lactationnormal secretion of milk
Littergroup of offspring born during the same labor
Luteinizing Hormone (LH)hormone produced by pituitary to promote ovulation
Meconiumfirst feces of the newborn
Myometriummuscle lining the uterus
Ovariespair of female organs on either side of the pelvis that produce estrogen and progesterone
OvulationRelease of ovum from the ovary
Ovumfemale gamete
Oxytocinhormone produced by the pituitary that stimulates the uterus to contract as well as milk secretion
Parturitionact of giving birth
Perineumarea between the anus and vagina
Placentavascular organ that develops the the uterine wall during pregnancy
Pregnancycondition of having a developing embryo or fetus in the body
Progesteronehormone produced by the ovaries during pregnancy to protect the embryo and stimulate lactation
Urethratube that carries urine from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body
Uterine hornspair of tubes extending from the uterine tubes to the body of the uterus
Uterine tubespair of ducts through which the ovum travels to the uterine horns
Uterusthe womb
Vaginatube extending from the uterus to the outside of the body
Viablecapable of living outside the uterus
Vulvaexternal genitalia of the female
Weanremove the young from the mother so that they can no longer nurse
Abortionspontaneous or induced termination or pregnancy before the fetus is viable
Artificial inseminationimplanting of live sperm into the female genital tract
Cesarean sectionremoval of fetus by abdominal incision
Congenital anomolymalformation present at or existing from birth
Eclampsiadecreased calcium during lactation causing convulsions and coma
Episiotomyincision through the skin of the perineum to enlarge the vaginal opening for delivery
Fetotomysurgical excision of a fetus
Galactorrheaabnormal, persistent discharge of milk
Hydrocephalusabnormal accumulation of fluid in the spaces of the brain
Leaukorrheasticky, white discharge from the vagina indicative of a disease elsewhere in the reproductive system
PyometraPus in the uterus
Ultrasounddiagnostic technique using ultrasound waves to produce an image of an organ or tissue
Uterine Prolapsedisplacement of the uterus through vaginal orifice
Vaginal ProlapseDisplacement of the vagina through the vaginal orifice
Studintact male dog
Bitchintact female dog
Whelpyoung dog or pup
Whelpinggiving birth to whelps
Packgroup of dogs
Littermultiple offspring from the same labor
Tomintact male cat
Queenintact female cat
KittenYoung cat
Queeninggiving birth to kittens
Clowdergroup of cats
Balantisinflammation in the penis
Epididymitisinflammation of the epididymis
Anorchismcondition without testicles
Orchectomyremoval of testis
Orchitisinflammation of the testis
Orchiopexysurgical fixation of testis
Orchiectomyremoval of testis
Orchidectomyremoval of testicles
Prostatectomyremoval of prostate gland
Prostatitisinflammation of prostate gland
Prostatomegalyenlargement of prostate gland
Aspermiacondition of no sperm
Oligospermiascanty sperm
Spermolyticpertaining to the destruction of sperm
Spermatogenesisproducing sperm
Testicularpertaining to testes
Vasectomyremoval of vas deferense
Vasovasostomyanastomosis of the ends of the severed vas deferens
Amniocentesissurgical puncture to remove fluid from the amnion
Cervicitisinflammation in the cervix
Endocervicitisinflammation of the inner lining of the cervix
Colposcopyvisual examination of the vagina
Colporrhaphysuture of vagina
Cytologystudy of cells
Agalactiacondition of no milk
Hysterectomyremoval of the uterus
Hysteroscopyvisual examination of the uterus
Lactogenesisproducing milk
Mammarypertaining to mammary glands
Mammary Carcinomamalignant tumor of the mammary gland arising from epithelial tissue
Mammoplastysurgical repair of mammary gland
Mastitisinflammation of mammary glands
Mastectomyremoval of mammary glands
Metritisinflammation of the uterus
Endometritisinflammation of the inner lining of the uterus
Endometriosisabnormal condition of the inner lining of the uterus
Pyometritisinflammation with puss in the uterus
Neonatalpertaining to newborn
Neonatologystudy of newborns
Oogenesisproducing eggs
Oocyteegg cells
Oophorectomyremoval of ovaries
Bilateral Oophorectomyremoval of both ovaries
Anovulationno ovulation
Antepartumbefore birth
Postmortemafter death
Postpartumafter birth
Pelvimetrymeasurement of pelvis
Perineorrhaphysuture of perineum
Pseudocyesisfalse pregnancy
Pyorrheadischarge of puss
Radiographyprocess of recording x-rays
Oxytociarapid labor
Dystociadifficult labor
Umbilicalpertaining to umbilicus
Vaginitisinflammation of the vagina
Vulvoplastysurgical repair of vulva
Vulvovaginitisinflammation of vulva and vagina