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level: Level 10

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 10

to make amends, to patch things up (lit. to grind out a notch...3 words in German)eine Scharte auswetzen (ugs), wieder gutmachen (alt)
to manage (ie. to get by, to succeed)bewältigen, auskommen, schaffen, hinkriegen
several (ie quite a few, but less than 'many')etliche
to correct (ex. a problem), to remedy (ex. a weakness), (to repair, to put right, to fix)beheben
to tend, to mind, to look afterhüten
the admission (ex. of guilt), the concession (of a point in an argument), the confessiondas Eingeständnis
to whet, to sharpen, to grindwetzen
the editing, the processing, the treatmentdie Bearbeitung
the limit valueder Grenzwert
to be in a hurryin Eile sein, es eilig haben
the miscarriage (of a pregnancy)die Fehlgeburt
the mane, the hairdie Mähne
limp, limply, floppy, flabbyschlaff, schlapp
to audition (for the theater)vorsprechen
to aimzielen, bezwecken
the trophy cupder Pokal
as a quid pro quoim Gegenzug, als Gegenleistung
to unsettle, to upset, to unnerveverunsichern, verstören, beunruhigen
the stagder Hirsch
the top dogder Platzhirsch
immensely, tremendouslyungemein
the review (of a restaurant or yelp-like assessment)die Rezension, die Bewertung
the torturedie Qual, die Folter
horridentsetzlich, grauvoll
the intimidationdie Einschüchterung
prepared, handy, ready (ex. gas masks at a demonstration when tear gas is fired)parat
to sit for an exam, to take a testeine Prüfung ablegen (wichtig), eine Prüfung machen, eine Prüfung schreiben
to put aside, to discard, to file, to depositablegen
the circumstanceder Umstand
the preparationdie Vorbereitung, die Zubereitung, die Bereitung
the slope (of a mountain), the propensity, the proclivityder Hang
the vinedie Weinrebe, die Rebe
the rifledas Gewehr
to hollow outaushöhlen
the wound (physical, not emotional)die Wunde, die Blessur
to crumblezerfallen, zerbröckeln, bröckeln, krümeln
to set down, to put down (ex. stop working)niederlegen
to chantskandieren
to steer toward somethingzusteuern
fully stockedvoll bestückt
for days (ex. The rain lasted FOR DAYS)tagelang
the rapprochementdie Annäherung
the abstention (in a vote)die Enthaltung
the well (where you fetch water)der Brunnen
the appearance, the apparition, the phenomenondie Erscheinung
next tobei, beinahe, neben
the thresholdder Schwellenwert
the fishingdas Angeln
to go fishingangeln gehen
the impact (from a crash)der Aufprall
the feature, the traitdas Merkmal
the personal doctor, the personal physiciander Leibarzt
the blank checkder Blankoscheck