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level: Level 2

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 2

to engage oneself with (ex. a problem, a project, a matter), to deal with (but not necessary solve)sich befassen
the reminderdie Mahnung, (die Erinnerungsstütze)
to tie togetherzusammenbinden
to shiftverlagern
to add (ex. water), to fill in, to fill upzuschütten
to confirm (by documents)verbriefen
to relocate, to pawn, to transferverlegen
the need (ex. a factory's need for supplies), the requirement, the demandder Bedarf, das Bedürfnis
previousvorangegangen, früher, vorherig, vorhergehend, bisherig
to some extentansatzweise
to schedule (a meeting), to set (a deadline, a date, a price, a value)ansetzen
the piece of evidence, the receipt, the voucher, the proofder Beweis, der Beleg
the haze, the mist, the vapor, the fumesder Dunst
to conveneeinberufen
to stop (the tide), to lift (weights), to oppose, to press (against)stemmen
the dawndie Morgendämmerung, das Morgengrauen
the memorydas Gedächtnis (allgemein), die Erinnerung (spezifisch)
to push forward, to venture (ex. into unknown waters)vorstoßen
the contempt (in a court or elsewhere)die Verachtung
the precautiondie Vorsichtsmaßnahme, die Vorkehrung, die Vorsorge
to ridiculelächerlich machen, verhöhnen, bespötteln
the bogeymandas Feindbild
compelling, imperativezwingend
to treat (someone by paying for the bill), to keep clear, to keep freefreihalten
merely, simplylediglich
to influence, to act on, to affect, to sway, to biasbeeinflussen, einwirken
to knock something out (i.e. to finish sth quickly)etwas raushauen
the embers (from a fire...singular in German)die Glut (pl. auf Englisch)
to entail (3 word phrase in German)(etw) nach sich ziehen, beinhalten
the thesis (ex. argument, hypothesis, NOT for a PhD)die These
the appointment (to an office)die Ernennung
preliminary, tentative, temporaryvorläufig
meaningfulaussagekräftig, sinnvoll
to bustleumtreiben, herumhetzen
the post (made out of wood), the poleder Pfahl
to tweakoptimieren, justieren
devastatingverheerend, verwüstend, vernichtend
to get out (sth out of sth, ex. funds out of a budget), to bring outherausholen
uphinauf, nach oben
downhinab, nach unten
the building block (to a success)der Baustein
the investorder Kapitalanleger, der Anleger
recklessrücksichtslos, leichtsinnig
to crackzerbrechen, knacken
to badger, to pesterpiesacken (ugs)
the abominationdie Abscheulichkeit, der Gräuel
the demolition (of a building)der Abriss
the canopied beach chair (on the Baltic Sea)der Strandkorb
the hypocrisydie Scheinheiligkeit, die Heuchelei
to knotknoten, knüpfen
the draw (i.e. tied game)das Unentschieden, der Gleichstand
rough (ex. rough seas)rau
to creep, to slinkschleichen, kriechen
to wrestle away (sth)abringen
the bruiseder Bluterguss
frailgebrechlich, zerbrechlich
to allude to, to indicate, to suggest, to portendhinweisen