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level: Page 22+

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level questions: Page 22+

to fade out (lights, music, a movie), to hide (ex. your fears), to dismiss (ex. a feeling)ausblenden
the pleasure (ex. of meeting you)das Vergnügen, die Freude, der Genuss, (das Behagen)
to shift, to relocate, to displace, to redeployverlagern
the favorder Gefallen, die Gefälligkeit
to protrude, to stand out, to bulge, to manage (i.e. stand before the employees)vorstehen
the opportunity, the chancedie Gelegenheit, die Chance
direct, directly, immediate, immediatelydirekt, unmittelbar, sofort, unverzüglich
to encompass, to comprise, to involve, to includeumfassen
flat, plain, levelflach
the Covid timesdie Covid Zeiten
Crete (island in Mediterranean)Kreta (insel)
the overtime (in a soccer game)die Nachspielzeit
the line, the path, the way, the arterydie Trasse
the power griddas Stromnetz
the estimation questiondie Schätzungsfrage
the quick questiondie kurze Frage
casual, casually, sloppy, slangsalopp
Oh Man!, Come on! (when missing an easy guess or lay up)Menno!
the death penalty, the capital punishmentdie Todesstrafe
the compass (i.e. the one you use for drawing)der Zirkel
the bold performance (of an actor, singer)die plakative Leistung, die kühne Leistung
the mind gamedas Gedankenspiel
to madden, to drive crazyverrückt machen
determined (personality trait)entschlossen (Charaktereigenschaft)
the guiding ideadie Leitidee
to dial back (i.e. to turn down intensity)zurückdrehen, zurückschrauben
for good (forever), in the long runauf Dauer, auf (die) Dauer
the fabric, the structuredas Gefüge
to sting, to stab, to jabstechen
to cut asparagus (to harvest asparagus)Spargel stechen
to stab off (at the right spot to kill sth or chop it off)abstechen (zB Spargel)
fairly quickly, quite quicklyrecht schnell, relativ schnell
the harvest workerder Erntehelfer
to peel (in general), to shellschälen, pellen
to peel (fruit, specifically)enthäuten
the melted butterdie Schmelzbutter, die zerlassene Butter
to cool down, to coolabkühlen
rapid, rapidly, swiftly, swift (spread of the virus)rasant
for now, for the time beingvorerst, erstmal
to slam (a book or door), to shut (forcefully), to pounce (on something, figuratively)zuschlagen
to record (data manually, not video), to note, to enter (information)verzeichnen
the peakder Gipfel, der Höhepunkt, die Spitze, der Höchststand
tense (person or situation)gespannt, angespannt (zB eine Lage), nervös (als Persönlichkeitsmerkmal)
last, lastly, finally (i.e. the last one), recentlyzuletzt
followed by (Mexico)gefolgt von
to stimulate, to cause, to make (someone do sth.), to promptanregen
to interrogate, to question (someone), to grill, to examine (a witness)verhören, vernehmen
to urge, to exhort, to cautionermahnen
to suss out, to suss, to see through (a trick), to figure outdurchschauen
the plain, the level, the tier, the rankdie Ebene
to tower (to the sky), to loomragen (zB Die Säulen der Tempelruine ragen in den Himmel)
to tolerate, to be able to deal with, to manage with, to be able to handlevertragen