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level: Page 1+

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level questions: Page 1+

the crowddas Gedränge, die Menschenmenge, (die Menge)
not yetnoch nicht
the notebookdas Notizbuch
to use, to employeinsetzen, verwenden, benutzen, nutzen
to bail, to guarantee (as a surety), to vouchbürgen
the volunteeringdas Ehrenamt
to feel, to sense, to perceiveempfinden
the categorydie Rubrik
to support (a cause), to champion, to campaign forsich einsetzen
to be mistakenverwechselt sein
while doing that, with youdabei
nevernoch nie, niemals
to whizsausen
to rush (off)sich sausen
the mindder Verstand
the compensation (for work)die Entschädigung, die Vergütung
the Frenchmander Franzose
to hold, to occupy (an elected office)innehaben
the French womandie Französin
the Russian mander Russe
the phase of lifeder Lebensabschnitt
the Russian womandie russische Frau
the ancestorder Vorfahre
the enthusiasm, the zealder Eifer
eagereifrig, begierig
to work in (with your hands), to handle (material)werken
to run overüberfahren
the impact, the effectdie Auswirkung
the dumplingder Knödel
the batter (for baking)der Backteig
the doughder Teig
(someone is) at schoolin der Schule
to refer to (something)sich beziehen
(one walks) to (the) schoolzur Schule
the IT specialistder Informatiker
certainly, indeed, howeverallerdings
to be familiar with, to know about, to know your way aroundsich auskennen
as much as possiblemöglichst
the raisindie Rosine
the databasedie Datenbank
the flavorder Geschmack
the insultdie Beleidigung
the nonsenseder Blödsinn, der Quatsch, der Unsinn, das dummes Zeug, der Unfug
That's whyDeshalb
the reindeerdas Rentier
definitelyauf jeden Fall
to ignitezünden
the scheduleder Zeitplan
interrupted (connection)unterbrochen
of course!na klar!
to be/get used to, to get accustomed tosich gewöhnen (an)
as long assolange
slight, minor (amount), smallgering
the opening, the prelude, the start (of a trial), the upbeat (in music)der Auftakt
comprehensiveumfassend, umfangreich
mildmild, sanft, glimpflich, schwach, leicht