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Unit 3.iii: Why had International Peace collapsed by 1939?

In English
Unit 3.iii: Why had International Peace collapsed by 1939?

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Lewis Gant 45m3

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Who suggested that Germany, Britain, France and Italy should meet in order to prevent a war over the status of Czechoslovakia?


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Unit 3.iii: Why had International Peace collapsed by 1939? - Leaderboard

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Unit 3.iii: Why had International Peace collapsed by 1939? - Details



41 questions
What was the outcome of the Munich Conference on 29 September 1938?
The four great powers of Europe signed an agreement regarding Czechoslovakia’s borders.
What were Hitler’s demands at the Munich Conference?
He demanded that the Czechoslovakian army leave the Sudetenland and that the area be handed over to Germany. He also insisted that Hungary and Poland’s territorial claims on Czechoslovakia be met.
Why did Chamberlain and Daladier agree to Hitler’s demands at the Munich Conference?
They believed they had prevented war and secured Czechoslovakia’s borders, as Hitler promised to respect them.
What happened on 10 October 1938 after the Munich Conference?
Hitler marched his troops into the Sudetenland without any international opposition, leaving Czechoslovakia defenceless.
How did the Sudetenland's population react to the arrival of Nazi soldiers?
German Sudetens greeted them with flowers, while the Czechs were fearful and viewed it as a real invasion.
Why did Stalin feel betrayed after the Munich Conference?
The USSR was not consulted, and Britain and France’s actions weakened their relationship with the USSR, convincing Stalin that diplomacy would not prevent a German invasion.
What agreement did Chamberlain and Hitler sign after the Munich Conference?
The Anglo-German declaration (30th September 1938), in which they agreed never to go to war against each other.
What did Chamberlain famously claim upon returning to Britain?
He declared he had achieved "Peace in our time" while waving the Anglo-German declaration.
What made Hitler’s invasion of Czechoslovakia different from his previous actions?
It was the first time Hitler invaded a country where he had no claim, as there were no German speakers outside the Sudetenland and the country had not been German prior to the Treaty of Versailles.
What did the invasion of Czechoslovakia reveal about Britain and France’s approach to Hitler?
It showed that Britain and France could no longer justify their inaction by claiming Hitler was simply reclaiming what was rightfully Germany's.
What happened after the Munich Conference and Chamberlain’s promises to Britain?
Hitler broke his promises and completed his invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1939, which led Chamberlain to admit that his policy of appeasement had failed.
What did Chamberlain promise Poland after the invasion of Czechoslovakia?
Chamberlain promised Poland that Britain would guarantee its independence, as Poland was likely to be Hitler’s next target.
Why did Hitler and Stalin sign the Nazi-Soviet Pact in 1939 despite their ideological differences?
Because both had mutual strategic interests, with Hitler seeking to avoid a two-front war and Stalin wanting to buy time to strengthen the Soviet military.
What did the Nazi-Soviet Pact allow Hitler to do without fear of Soviet intervention?
It allowed Hitler to invade Poland without the threat of Soviet interference, as the pact secretly divided Poland into spheres of influence between Germany and the USSR.
Why did Hitler want to invade Poland in 1939?
To destroy the Treaty of Versailles, reunite German-speaking people, and claim Lebensraum in the east, all of which would help fulfill his long-term goals.
What made Hitler believe that Britain and France would not intervene when he invaded Poland?
He had seen them fail to act when he broke the terms of the Treaty of Versailles with Austria and Czechoslovakia, which led him to believe they would do nothing to stop his invasion of Poland.
Why was Hitler concerned about Stalin's response if Germany invaded Poland?
Hitler feared that Stalin would intervene, as Poland had been created from former German and Russian territories, and the USSR had always questioned the legitimacy of the new state.
What was the outcome of the Nazi-Soviet Pact signed on 23 August 1939?
The pact allowed Hitler to invade Poland without fear of Soviet intervention, and in return, the USSR would receive Polish territory.
Why did Stalin choose to sign the Nazi-Soviet Pact with Hitler instead of uniting with Britain and France?
Stalin signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact to secure Soviet interests in Poland and Eastern Europe, as well as to buy time and avoid an immediate confrontation with Germany, given the distrust and hostility between the USSR and the Western powers.
Why did Stalin lose faith in the League of Nations?
He saw its weakness in handling crises like Manchuria, Abyssinia, and the Rhineland, which made him doubt its ability to protect Russia from Hitler’s threats.
Why did Stalin lose trust in France after 1936?
Despite the agreement for mutual protection, France did nothing when Hitler remilitarised the Rhineland in 1936, showing that they were unwilling to stop aggression even close to their own borders.
Why was Stalin reluctant to turn to Britain and France for help?
Britain and France had followed a policy of appeasement towards Hitler, allowing him to rearm with the justification that he could act as a barrier against Communism, they didn’t trust Stalin and were not reliable allies.
Why did Stalin lose faith in Britain and France after the Munich Agreement in 1938?
Britain and France signed the Munich Agreement without consulting or inviting the Soviet Union.
Why did British diplomats' efforts to form an alliance with the USSR in 1939 fail?
Because they were led by Reginald Drax, who lacked the authority to make decisions and had to refer issues back to London.
Why did the Polish refuse to allow Russian troops to be stationed in Poland?
The Poles were suspicious of Russia. It was believed that the USSR wanted to regain control over Polish territory.
Why did Hitler decide to send Ribbentrop to meet Stalin?
Ribbentrop showed respect and value for the Soviet leader, unlike Britain and France, who had ignored him at the Munich Conference.
What was the secret agreement between Hitler and Stalin regarding Poland?
Hitler and Stalin secretly agreed to split Poland between them. Stalin would reclaim land that had been taken from Russia, and Hitler would do all the fighting, allowing Stalin to gain territory without lifting a finger.
Why did Stalin agree to the Nazi-Soviet Pact even though he did not fully trust Hitler?
It allowed him to buy time to build up Russia’s army in preparation for war, even though he suspected Hitler would eventually turn against him, which he did in 1941.
Why did Stalin feel isolated, leading him to agree to the Nazi-Soviet Pact?
Britain and France had failed to consult him on key issues like the Munich Agreement
Why was Hitler determined not to repeat the mistakes of Germany during the First World War?
He wanted to avoid dividing his troops and being forced to fight in two directions.
After Hitler broke the Munich Agreement and invaded Czechoslovakia, what did Britain and France realise about appeasement?
That the policy of appeasement was not working. They vowed to protect Poland if Hitler invaded.
How did the Nazi-Soviet Pact affect the situation for Britain and France?
Britain and France would face Germany without the support of Russia, giving Hitler the upper hand.
Why was Chamberlain criticized for providing Poland with a guarantee of British support?
Guaranteeing support to Poland would inevitably lead to Britain’s involvement in a major war.
Why were Hitler's demands for Danzig and the Polish Corridor understandable to some?
Hitler's demands were seen as understandable because Danzig's population was largely German-speaking, and the Polish Corridor had split East Prussia from the rest of Germany.
Why did the Polish government refuse to make concessions to Germany over Danzig and the Polish Corridor?
The Polish government refused to make concessions because of their concerns that Hitler's demands were just the first step toward a full-scale invasion of Poland.