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Unit 3.i: Why had International Peace collapsed by 1939?

In English
Unit 3.i: Why had International Peace collapsed by 1939?

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Lewis Gant 45m3

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What was the key belief during the first phase of appeasement (1920-1937)?

War needed to be avoided at all possible cost.

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Unit 3.i: Why had International Peace collapsed by 1939? - Details



46 questions
What was the focus of Neville Chamberlain’s foreign policy during the second phase of appeasement (1937-1939)?
Negotiating with aggressive states to maintain peace by addressing reasonable demands.
Which statement is an example of an interpretation of appeasement?
It was a complete failure because war was not avoided.
Which statement is another example of an interpretation of appeasement?
Appeasement bought time for Britain (and France) to re-arm and prepare for war.
Fait accomplis
Something that has already happened or been done and cannot be changed.
‘living space’
People of the German race
Uniting Germany with Austria - Union
Another name for Communism, a system of government in which everyone is considered equal
Why did some British people support Germany reclaiming what it had lost?
They believed the Treaty of Versailles was too harsh and wanted Germany to become strong to counter the Communist USSR and France.
Why didn’t France act when Germany re-occupied the Rhineland?
France was between governments, had weakened forces near the Rhineland, and thought Germany’s army was larger than it was.
What was the Hoare-Laval Fiasco?
An attempt by Britain and France to appease Mussolini by offering him land in Abyssinia, which led to a deeply unpopular outcome and the fall of the French government.
What defensive strategy did France rely on instead of attacking Germany?
The Maginot Line of fortifications on the Franco-German border.
Why did Hitler want to destroy Communism?
He believed Communism, developed by a Jewish man (Karl Marx), would destroy Germany and linked it to his hatred of Jews.
What was FDR's focus after the Wall Street Crash (1929)?
Creating jobs for Americans due to 25 percent unemployment.
What did a 1934 poll reveal about American public opinion on the First World War?
70% of Americans felt the USA should never have gotten involved and should stay out of any future war.
What promise did FDR make in the 1936 election?
To keep America out of any war in Europe.
What did the US government do after FDR's attempt to get Hitler to stop invading countries failed?
Watched events unfold and quietly started preparing its armed forces.
What did Hitler do after becoming chancellor in 1933?
He immediately started testing the Treaty of Versailles.
What happened on March 16 1935?
Hitler revealed that Germany had begun to construct an air force, and unveiled plans to reinstitute conscription and create a German army of more than half a million men.
What did Hitler propose during the League of Nations Disarmament Conference?
He said he would disarm if every other nation did too or wanted an army equal to France's.
Why did Hitler storm out of the Disarmament Conference (October 23, 1933)?
France refused to cooperate, and he claimed they were being unreasonable.
Why were many Austrians and Germans outraged by the Treaty of Versailles?
It forbade Anschluss (union) between Austria and Germany.
What did Hitler do in response to Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss banning the Nazi Party in Austria?
He told Austrian Nazis to create havoc, which led to the murder of Dollfuss.
Why did Hitler’s 1934 attempt at Anschluss fail?
The Austrian army supported the government, and Mussolini moved troops to the Austrian border, promising to stop Hitler.
What was the Saar and why was it significant?
A rich industrial area given to the League of Nations for 15 years under the Treaty of Versailles.
What was the result of the 1935 Saar plebiscite?
Ninety percent of the population voted to re-join Germany.
How did Hitler use the Saar’s return to Germany?
As propaganda to show German-speaking people wanted to unite under the Nazis and to gain coalfields for industry and weapons production.
What did Hitler reveal at the ‘Freedom to Rearm Rally’ in 1935?
Weapons and troops he had secretly been building.
What military measures did Hitler announce at the Freedom to Rearm Rally?
Reintroducing conscription, expanding the army to one million men, and building a Luftwaffe (air force).
What did Hitler’s actions at the rally signify?
That he was confident he could openly defy the Treaty of Versailles without other countries stopping him.
What was the purpose of the Stresa Front agreement?
To guarantee the Locarno Treaty, protect Austrian independence, and stop Hitler from breaking more terms of the Treaty of Versailles.
Why was Hitler not concerned about the Stresa Front?
Mussolini later reneged on the agreement and formed a military alliance with Germany against communism.
What was the purpose of the Anglo-German Naval Agreement?
To allow Germany to build a navy up to 35% the size of Britain’s, violating the Treaty of Versailles.