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Labor and Delivery (Ch. 27)

In English


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What are the three primary birthing options to consider?

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104 questions
What is an LDRP room, or unit?
Labor, delivery, recovery, postpartum room
What is lightening?
When the fetus settles, or "drops"
When does lightening usually occur?
2 weeks before the onset of labor
What are the standard precautions applicable to child birth?
Wash hands Don gloves Cover gown/ mask with eye protection Sterile towels to drape woman Gloves and gown when handling newborn Teach partner where to stand/what to touch/protective coverings Use appropriate method of suction for infant's airway
What are the 5 P's of labor and delivery?
Passageway Passenger Powers Position Psyche
The true pelvis is divided into 3 segments:
Inlet Cavity (midpelvis) Outlet
Which soft tissues undergo changes to allow passage of the fetus?
Uterine structures Cervical tissues Vagina Perineum
Name the major bones of the skull:
Two frontal bones Two parietal bones Two temporal bones Occiput
What is fetal lie?
The relationship of the cephalocaudal axis of the fetus to the mother's
Describe longitudinal fetal lie
Spine of the fetus is parallel to that of the mother
Cephalic presentation is divided into 4 types:
Vertex (between fontanelles) Brow Face Mentum (chin)
What completes the third stage of labor?
The delivery of the placenta
What is effacement?
Shortening and thinning of the cervix during the first stage of labor
What are primary powers responsible for?
Effacement and dilation of the cervix and descent of the fetus
What are secondary powers responsible for?
Expelling the infant after the cervix is dilated fully
What are the cardinal movements of labor?
Engagement Descent Internal rotation Extension External rotation
The first stage of labor starts with _____ and ends with _______
Starts with regular contractions, ends with complete dilation of cervix
Describe contractions in the latent phase of the first stage of delivery
Occur 5 to 8 minutes apart; Last 20 to 35 seconds
When is an episiotomy performed?
End of the second stage of labor
For which 3 reasons is an episiotomy performed?
Macrosomic infants Rapid deliveries Abnormal presentations
What are the complications of an episiotomy?
Infection Blood loss Pain Painful sexual intercourse
The second stage of labor/delivery begins with ______ and ends with ______
Begins with complete dilation, ends with birth of the baby
Why is magnesium sulfate primarily administered?
Seizure prevention in preeclampsia and eclampsia
What does a tocotransducer monitor?
Uterine activity Frequency and duration of contractions
The apgar score includes which 5 criteria?
1. Heart rate 2. Respiratory effort 3. Muscle tone 4. Reflex irritability 5. Skin color
When should enemas NOT be given?
If vaginal bleeding or premature labor is present If presenting part is not engaged If presentation is not vertex
What are 3 therapeutic concepts to convey to the father?
1. He is of value and competent 2. He can learn to be a partner in the mother's care 3. Childbearing is a partnership
What are the most commonly used analgesics during labor?
Meperidine hydrochloride (Demerol) butorphanol tartrate
What are the potential major adverse effects of general anesthesia?
Maternal aspiration of gastric contents Respiratory depression Uterine relaxation
What are the measures used to reduce the risk of maternal aspiration?
1. Restrict intake to clear fluids or NPO 2. Administer drugs to raise gastric pH 3. Administer drugs to reduce secretions
What is uterone inertia?
Absence or weakness of uterine contractions