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Forum: Bug Reports
Skipping problems

André Barreto
André Barreto
New Entrant

Level: 12
Streak: 0
Hi! Thanks again for this website and all the updates! It rocks guys!! 😀👍 I recently found an issue (I'm not sure if it is) with the "skip the question" function. First, we only see it when the drag the card function is disable (using the keyboard instead). There isn't a way to skip while draggin the cards. And second, I GUESS, I'm really not sure, that the skip function is kind of broken. I used the skip shortcut, received the mensagem and everything is fine. Then the question keeps popping up, not skipping at all. Unless we have to skip more? I don't know. The formula could be show to us in the message, like "When skipping, the question will return in +x hours or x days" I don't know... Something like that. Best regards Andre


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